Hauraki-Coromandel Post

Helping the pink ribbon collection


Breast Cancer Foundation NZ needs local volunteers to help with its Pink Ribbon Appeal on October 11-12.

This includes Waihi — volunteers and a coordinato­r are required to join the 10,000-strong involved in the national breast cancer appeal.

“Take a stand against breast cancer — give two hours” is the plea. Volunteers can sign up for a two-hour stint on the street, or rope in friends, workmates or a community group to cover several hours.

BCFNZ requires an area coordinato­r for Waihi to manage a small team of volunteers. BCFNZ will supply a detailed briefing, along with a roster of volunteer collectors, street permits and all the materials necessary to run a successful appeal.

To volunteer, visit www.pinkribbon­volunteer.co.nz or phone 0508 105 105.

All up, 10,000 volunteers will raise money at around 1400 collection points, covering New Zealand. Their efforts will fund research into new treatments, support for women going through breast cancer, medical equipment for hospitals, and awareness and education programmes to recognise the signs of breast cancer and having regular mammograms for early detection.

“The Pink Ribbon Appeal funds a large chunk of our work, so there’s a direct link between the time people give on the street and our ability to fund research, treatments and education programmes,” says BCFNZ chief executive Evangelia Henderson. “If you can help, please get in touch with us now.”

 ??  ?? Pink Ribbon Appeal enthusiast­s wanted for Waihi.
Pink Ribbon Appeal enthusiast­s wanted for Waihi.

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