Hauraki-Coromandel Post

Great turnout for Pink Ribbon Breakfast


There was a fantastic turnout for the Pauanui Pink Ribbon Breakfast.

The annual event hosted by Hello Friday was again a great success.

A sell out crowd of 150 women from Pauanui, and surroundin­g areas were treated to a Frenchthem­ed morning at the Pauanui Club, decoration­s thoughtful­ly curated by the very talented Pat Courtney set the scene perfectly.

This year’s guest speaker was the very well known and respected Dame Susan Devoy, who told compelling stories of her life’s journey — one of family focus but includes dominating the world squash scene in the late 80s and early 90s, five years of service as the NZ Race Relations Commission­er and more recently time on Celebrity Treasure Island.

A humble, down to earth woman who considers herself an ordinary person with skills that has allowed her to do extraordin­ary things.

Susan kept the crowd thoroughly entertaine­d and was a wonderful guest speaker.

Business owners Mandy and Paula thank everyone who helped make the event such a huge success, they could not do it without the support of so many from the community.

But both say that one of the best parts of the day is having such a large, diverse group of women come together, creating a fantastic buzz of energy while raising money for this ever important cause.

To support the breakfast event there was an online auction, raffles and a pre-loved clothing sale.

A host of wonderful product and service donations from local businesses, industry partners and individual­s greatly assist the fundraisin­g efforts for the Breast Cancer Foundation NZ.

Special mention to Danske Mobler for the feature auction item of a Stressless chair.

A final tally is not available at the time of writing as the organisers are waiting for the online auction to close but early indicators look like the event will raise above the $14,000 raised last year.

 ?? Photo / Pat Courtney ?? The crowd at the Pauanui Pink Ribbon Breakfast held last Friday.
Photo / Pat Courtney The crowd at the Pauanui Pink Ribbon Breakfast held last Friday.

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