Hauraki-Coromandel Post

Beach town banks on hub

Whangamata¯ is one of three towns trialling replacemen­t for closed satellite branches

- Jim Birchall

Three new regional banking hubs open from this week in the latest phase of the regional banking hub trial led by the six biggest retail banks. The three new hubs will be in Waimate, Whangamatā and Ōpōtiki. The Waimate hub will open first, while Whangamatā residents will be able to visit their branch from July 31.

The trial has been extended on the back of positive responses from the markets in which the hubs were implemente­d. The trial’s criteria includes towns with more than 3000 people who are at least a 30-minute drive from an existing bank branch.

The trial launched in November 2020 after complaints were received from people in small towns left with no banking services when satellite branches were closed.

The New Zealand Banking Associatio­n said the hubs are designed to test community and customer demand for multi-bank services in towns that don’t have enough cus- tomer demand for bank branches.

Under one roof, services at the hubs include deposits and withdrawal­s, phone and internet banking and the ability to meet with a representa­tive from a customer’s bank. Roger Beaumont, chief executive of the New Zealand Banking Associatio­n — Te Rangapū Pēke, said the next phase of the trial will be insightful. “The banks have learned a lot from the trial and recent changes to customer behaviour.

“The new hub model incorporat­es changes based on what we’ve learned from the first phase, such as enhanced privacy and security, and face-to-face engagement with your banker.

“The new model hubs will be located in stand-alone locations and have a multi-bank smart ATM and a coin and note change service. A concierge will be available to assist customers access the services, which include an ATM, tablet for online banking and phone. These services will be available in private and secure areas to help ensure confidenti­ality.

“We’re also introducin­g a banking advice service, where you can book a meeting with someone from your own bank. A banker from each participat­ing bank will be available onsite at certain times during the week to assist with customer queries and internet banking,” said Beaumont.

The Whangamata¯ branch will be at Shop B, 608 Port Rd.

 ?? Photo / Jarred Wilson ?? Whangamata¯ has a new banking hub opening on July 31.
Photo / Jarred Wilson Whangamata¯ has a new banking hub opening on July 31.
 ?? Photo / Dean Purcell ?? Roger Beaumont, chief executive of the New Zealand Banking Associatio­n.
Photo / Dean Purcell Roger Beaumont, chief executive of the New Zealand Banking Associatio­n.

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