Hauraki-Coromandel Post


In late May we released our annual Sustainabi­lity Report. This document details Oceanagold’s sustainabi­lity performanc­e for 2022. In this Update we explain what a Sustainabi­lity Report is, why we produce one each year, and why they are important to the wa



The most often used definition of sustainabi­lity comes from the United Nations World Commission on Environmen­t and Developmen­t: “Sustainabl­e developmen­t is developmen­t that meets the needs of the present without compromisi­ng the ability of future generation­s to meet their own needs.”

So, sustainabl­e practices support ecological, human, and economic health and vitality. Sustainabi­lity also presumes that resources are finite and should be used conservati­vely and wisely with a view to long-term priorities and consequenc­es of the ways in which resources are used.


Oceanagold’s activities touch people’s lives – our staff, contractor­s, suppliers and people in the communitie­s in which we operate – and we take our responsibi­lities to them and the environmen­t seriously. This is demonstrat­ed in the way we support our people at work, in the partnershi­ps we foster and the community objectives we support, in the environmen­tal practices and initiative­s we invest in, and in our commitment to integrity, high standards of governance and transparen­cy.

Sustainabi­lity remains central to our strategy and Company performanc­e goals. It matters to our investors who rely on sustainabi­lity performanc­e in their investment decisions, to our employees who want to work for a purpose-driven organisati­on, and to all stakeholde­rs who expect us to manage the impacts associated with our operations.

This means striving to protect the environmen­t and to create opportunit­ies to generate long-term value, consistent with our Purpose of mining gold for a better future. This focus helps define our strategic and day-to-day thinking. This not only helps us to create a better future for all of our stakeholde­rs, but also makes good business sense.


Sustainabi­lity reporting is the disclosure of environmen­tal, social and governance roles. These are often referred to as ‘ESG’. Our Sustainabi­lity Report describes what our ESG goals are, as well as detailing what our action plans are to reach each of the targets and whether we have achieved these during the reporting period. For example, in the 2022 report we have detailed our conformanc­e with Responsibl­e Gold Mining Principles (RGMPS) with assurance completed by Bureau Veritas. We also report on how we continue to develop a Responsibl­e Supply Chain Framework developmen­t, including updates of policies, codes and practices.

Oceanagold’s Sustainabi­lity Report has been prepared with reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and the GRI G4 Mining and Metals Sector Disclosure­s. GRI provides the world’s most widely used sustainabi­lity reporting standards. This external verificati­on process and the use of a recognised reporting framework provides robust verifiable data which tracks our performanc­e and provides for transparen­cy and dialogue between Oceanagold and our many stakeholde­rs.

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