Hauraki-Coromandel Post

Chance for students to get hands on with science

Science Roadshow travelling to district


Coromandel and Hauraki students will get an up close and hands-on look at the wonders of science as part of a national touring exhibition. Organisers say this year's Science Roadshow seeks to inspire and make interactiv­e science experience­s accessible to students from all corners of the country by enlivening the science curriculum.

The Science Roadshow is open to all schools that have booked and is being hosted by Mercury Bay Area School, Whitianga, on Thursday, July 27 and Waih¯ı College on Friday, July 28.

The Sounding Out Waves show that examines concepts to do with sound such as vibration, frequency and amplitude includes a giant “sound wave” gas barbecue where students can see what they hear. Another show, Mighty Materials, looks at the physical and chemical properties of different substances like metals and fabrics and how these are put to everyday use.

In between the two shows, there are more than 60 interactiv­e exhibits to explore, aimed to broaden student knowledge and experience of science and the world around them. The exhibits are grouped into key themes — Earth Science, Helping the Senses, Light, Movement, Observatio­ns and Inferences, Pressure.

Esther Cullen, manager of the Science Roadshow, says, “Being able to get your hands on things and try them out, while having fun, is a great way for students to start a life time engagement with science.”

Visitors can try their hand at anything from stepping inside a wind tunnel and experienci­ng gale force winds to using the plastic moulding exhibit to create a personalis­ed plaque — all part of some unique and memorable learning experience­s that makes science more accessible and fun. The Science Roadshow also provides classroom ready resources.

An annual national event since 1990, the Science Roadshow is currently touring over 115 locations throughout New Zealand in both remote rural areas and city venues. More than 46,000 students from more than 450 schools are expected to visit it this year.

“We want all students to connect, and remain connected, with science and technology throughout their lives,” says Ian Kennedy, Roadshow director. “Every person needs knowledge of how scientific processes work and to have some level of scientific literacy so that they can participat­e in the many sciencerel­ated decisions that society must take. And it all starts with children!”

 ?? Photo / NZME ?? The Science Roadshow is coming to Waih¯ı and Whitianga.
Photo / NZME The Science Roadshow is coming to Waih¯ı and Whitianga.

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