Hauraki-Coromandel Post

Fun and laughter to be had at the Enliven Day Service

Hearing and seeing clients laughing, chatting, singing, engaging in games and taking pride in their project work is what makes the Enliven team’s day.


The Enliven Day Services provided throughout the Coromandel are open to people over the age of 65 who are at risk of becoming socially isolated.

Clients’ families say going to the day service makes their loved ones more alert and orientated, feel more settled, and communicat­e better when they return home. It also helps keep people living in their own homes for longer, as opposed to going to an aged care facility.

People who come to the day service do a range of physical, cognitive, and social activities like games, crafts, and a certified strength and balance class that helps them maintain their mobility.

A personalis­ed activity programme is developed with each person, providing opportunit­ies for social interactio­n and engagement in the local community.

Located in a community setting, our day services focus on supporting you to make the most of your independen­ce.

Some examples of our group activities are:

• Crafts

• Exercise programmes such as strength and balance exercises to prevent falls

• Music, singing and dance activities

• Table-top activities and memory games

• Activities tailored to individual needs

• Cognitive Stimulatio­n Therapy (a specific programme of group activity and stimulatio­n suitable for people with dementia) Enliven Day Services are funded by Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand, so you need to ask your doctor or other health profession­al to send a referral to Support Net for a Needs Assessment. Once this is completed, Support Net sends your referral to an Enliven team leader who will contact you directly to arrange a visit to discuss the programme and complete documentat­ion.

Our community services are also open to private paying clients.

Enliven Coromandel Day Services are held in Thames on Wednesdays, Whangamatā on Thursdays, and in Colville on Thursdays. They are also held in Whitianga on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

For more informatio­n, please call Enliven Day Services on 0800 373 654 and press 3 for Waikato or visit https://www.enlivennor­thern.org.nz/services/community-programmes

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