Hauraki-Coromandel Post




Whangamata Golf Croquet 9.15am for 9.30am start Monday and Friday. Bond St. Contact Kay 0274815791

Whangamata Indoor Bowls: Memorial Hall, start 1pm sharp. Whangamata Creative Fibre Group: Spinners, weavers, knitters, dyers, flax workers, felters, crocheters, and all fibre artists. Second and fourth Monday 9.30am-1.30pm, Memorial Hall. Marie-louise 027 687 6289.


Paeroa drop in: Feeling lonely, isolated, new to town? Every Tuesday ‘Drop In' gathers at the St John rooms 9.30am-12.30pm for a cuppa and chat. All are welcome. Karangahak­e Indoor Bowls Club: 7pm at the Karangahak­e Hall. A casual weekly event — beginners welcome. Enquiries 027 678 2035. Beginner and intermedia­te ukulele course: First eight weeks of each term. Tuesdays, beginners 6-6.45pm, intermedia­te 7-7.45pm, Karangahak­e Hall. Contact 020 409 93582.

Indoor bowls: Waihi Bowling Club on Tuesdays at 1pm. Ph Clare 022 080 9306.

Friendship Club: Thames, every Tuesday at 1pm at our rooms, Mary St next to Baptist Church. Bingo, games, Bring and Buy, all welcome. Contact Judy Walsh 021 025 30462. Narcotics Anonymous: Naisa global non-profit organisati­on. Groups are run by its members. Waihi group meet every Tuesday night from 7-8pm at the Waihi Community Resource Centre. Ph 021 231 5866.

Paeroa Croquet Club: Meets at The Domain, King St on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 12.30pm. Contact Colleen ph 862 8174.

Paeroa Drop-in Centre: Tuesdays 9.30am-12.30pm, St John ambulance rooms. Join us for a cuppa and chat. Phone Glenys 862 6002.

Outdoor Bowls at Waihi Bowling Club: Cnr Clarke and Kenny Sts. 10.30am start for first game, and/or 12.45pm for two afternoon games. Club 863 8760.

Parenting Support Group: Every Tuesday at Waihi Community Resource Centre, 10am. Hosted by trained facilitato­rs in a relaxed, friendly setting. Ph 863 7555. Pickleball: Every Tuesday from 10-11am at the Jack Mclean Centre, Rolleston Rd. All gear provided, you just need court shoes and $3 gold coin. For all ages.

Coastal Rockers, Whangamata: Regular club nights Tuesday at 7pm at the Whangamata Club Social Team Tennis: Morgan Park 6-8pm. Inqiries Helen 021 111 9295. Waihi Beach Tennis Club: Social tennis Tuesday and Friday 8.30-10.30am.

Waihi Quilters: Fourth Tuesday of the month. 9am-12pm at St James Church Centre. Erica 863 7768. Waimata Indoor Bowling Club: Tuesdays in the St James Presbyteri­an Church Hall. 7.30pm. Entry fee $3.

Whangamata Associatio­n Croquet Tuesday and Wednesday: 9.15am for 9.30m start. Bond St. Contact Anne 0210246384­7.

Whangamata¯ Family History Research (Genealogy): Monthly, second Tuesday at 10am, Cornerston­e House. $3. Contact: Jaci 865 7997 or 027 710 4550.


500 at Whangamata RSA:

Open to all levels. From 12.30pm with play starting at 1pm. Phone Chris at 865 9749.

Adult ukulele classes: Classes available for all ability levels, Tuesday nights at Karangahak­e Hall. For more informatio­n email karangahak­emusic@gmail.com or ph 020 409 93582.

A Grade Team Tennis: Morgan Park from 6-9.30pm. Inquiries Sue 027 311 2508.

Bowentown Boating Club: Indoor bowls has resumed on Wednesdays. 7pm start.

Bridge Club: Whangamata. 6.15pm for 6.30pm start, Williamson Golf Rooms, Achilles Ave. Phone Carol 021 1192208.

Business After 5: BA5 meetings are for business owners and managers. It's an opportunit­y to catch up, network and often we have guest speakers that talk on topics of interest at the meeting. After 5pm on the first Wednesday of each month at various business premises around Waihi. Contact GO Waihi.

Craft Group: 1-3pm Wednesdays at the Salvation Army Hall in Seddon St. Learn something new each week. $5pp.

Focus Group: Meets on the first Wednesday of the month, 10-11.45am at the Waihi Beach RSA. A time to socialise and listen to great speakers.

Indoor bowls: Played in Paeroa College gym every Wednesday evening, 7.30-9.30pm. Age 10+. Free coaching available and competitiv­e bowls for those who want it. Flat soled shoes and all else supplied. Mindfulnes­s Meditation and More: With Kate Norton Taylor on Wednesdays­10am and 6.30pm. Ph 021 292 5592.

New Zealand Society of Geneologis­ts Waihi branch:

Meet fourth Wednesday of each month at 1pm. Waihi Art Centre and Museum Gallery.

Ladies who enjoy sewing and creating, new members and visitors are very welcome. Wendy 027 472 4052.

 ?? ?? Give croquet a go.
Give croquet a go.

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