Hauraki-Coromandel Post

Man who fell overboard’s boat found

Missing fishing vessel located off East Cape

- Raphael Franks

Amissing boat belonging to a man who fell overboard and spent 24 hours floating in the sea off the Coromandel Peninsula was found on Monday off East Cape nearly 200 kilometres away.

Cambridge 61-year-old Will Fransen said he tried and failed multiple times to catch the attention of passing boats after he fell overboard near the Alderman Islands on January 2, and was “pessimisti­c” from the start at his chances of survival.

Fransen had set off on a solo fishing trip on his 12m boat, with plans to return the next day. “The next thing I was in the water with the boat idling,” he told the Herald.

He tried to swim back to the boat but within a few strokes realised it was moving away from him too quickly.

His boat, the Betty G, turned up off East Cape on Monday.

NZ Police confirmed a member of the public reported having found the boat Betty G to them just after 1.30pm.

“A boat belonging to the man rescued off the Alderman Islands on 3 January, washed ashore today at Waihau bay, Opotiki,” a police spokespers­on said.

Fransen had hooked and tagged a marlin and was about to release it back into the ocean when everything went horribly wrong.

He cannot recall if he had lifted the rail on his boat or if it had come out on its own, but with the movement of the ocean and the fish, he lost his balance and fell out of the open safety rail.

“The next thing I was in the water with the boat idling. I grabbed the line with the marlin attached and started pulling the line out. I tried pulling my way towards the boat only to have the line slip out of my hand, which is pretty gutting, because next thing my boat’s idling over the horizon and I’m treading water.”

He was about 30 nautical miles, or 55km, east of the North Island and would end up drifting a long way south, to Mayor Island in the Bay of Plenty.

Fransen had managed to keep a hold of his hat in the fall and tried to wave it and yell at passing boats, with no success.

He was not wearing a lifejacket but had on a harness that had some level of buoyancy to it.

He then tried to swim towards the nearby Alderman Islands, but soon realised the current was taking him in the opposite direction.

“I gave up and just treaded water and watched the beautiful sunset overhead.”

At some point in the ordeal, Fransen saw a fin appear in the water nearby and spotted a shark.

“Fortunatel­y it decided it wasn’t interested. It would have been a good couple of metres so it could have easily dealt to me.”

Fransen trod water through the night, not sleeping, drifting many kilometres south until he ended up close to Mayor Island/tuhua.

The weather conditions in the morning were rougher than the previous day, and he knew there were unlikely to be many boats out.

Fransen fought to keep his head above water as waves crashed over him. He ended up swallowing seawater and was shivering in the cooler temperatur­es.

He eventually saw another boat and thought he would try to use his watch to catch the sun’s reflection and shine it at the boat.

Fransen had been hallucinat­ing throughout the day, often seeing boats where there were none. “I imagined plenty of them.” But then he saw three young men game fishing nearby, and this time someone saw the light he was reflecting off his watch.

“Oh, the relief. Oh, just, yeah, thought, ‘Well, it’s over’.

“I wasn’t meant to go yet. “James, who was driving . . . in his words, he said, ‘I saw this waving arm and thought, well, there’s not supposed to be any waving arms out here’.”

James Mcdonnell, Max White and Tyler Taffs motored over to Fransen and pulled him from the water, wrapping him in everything they could find to bring his temperatur­e up. Fransen sculled warm bottles of water and cranberry juice.

Fransen’s face was burned from the sun’s reflection off the water, and his legs, arms and joints were sore from treading water, but he was able to walk to the waiting ambulance when they arrived at Whangamata¯.


 ?? Photo / Coromandel CFM Christine Elmiger ?? Missing boat, Betty G, that belonged to 61-year-old fisherman, Will Fransen, who fell overboard on January 2, 2024, has turned up off East Cape on January 15.
Photo / Coromandel CFM Christine Elmiger Missing boat, Betty G, that belonged to 61-year-old fisherman, Will Fransen, who fell overboard on January 2, 2024, has turned up off East Cape on January 15.

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