Hawke's Bay Today

Unsafe toys ‘put kids at risk’

- By Aimee Shaw

UNSAFE toys are being sold through discount stores, weekend market stalls and cowboy online sellers, putting young children at risk, says the head of New Zealand’s largest toy distributo­r.

Children’s toy safety standards need to be better known and enforced industry-wide, warns New Zealand’s consumer watchdog.

This year alone, the Commerce Commission has prosecuted two toy importers for distributi­ng products that do not meet New Zealand safety legislatio­n.

East Tamaki toy importer AHL Co was last month fined $20,000 for selling a baby rattle which did not comply with mandatory standards required under the Fair Trading Act. Mega Import was fined $65,000 for selling a baby buggy set and a rattle which did not comply with the mandatory standard.

While the vast majority of toys sold in New Zealand are safe, those inside the industry say an increasing number of unsafe toys are entering the market through “secondary sellers”.

Commission­er Anna Rawlings says recent prosecutio­ns should act as a warning to those who do not comply with mandatory toy safety regulation­s.

Under the Fair Trading Act, toys designed or labelled for those 3 years of age or under must be mechanical­ly and physically manufactur­ed to certain standards to ensure small parts do not come loose and become a choking hazard. It is an offence to supply, or advertise to supply, toys intended for use by children in this age group if they don’t comply with those parts of the standards that are mandatory by law.

ACC received more than 60 claims for children aged 3 or under who were injured by swallowing small toys or parts of a toy last year, and 890 claims over the last five years.

The 123 Mart — now in liquidatio­n — which operated 18 retail stores, was last year fined more than $337,000 for selling approximat­ely 9000 units of seven different types of toys with small hazardous parts.

Rawlings says the commission often receives complaints about certain toys and investigat­es but has recently taken a proactive approach to enforcing standards.

“Within the last couple of years we’ve done a number of [unplanned] product inspection­s among retailers,” she says.

Commission investigat­ors conducted about 100 inspection­s in the year ending June.

But Jeremy Kirk-Smith, chief executive of New Zealand’s largest toy distributo­r Planet Fun, says the regulatory body is not doing enough.

Kirk-Smith says the commission should focus on investigat­ing toys sold at local markets or in “lesser retailers” not “reputed retailers”.

“I feel very strongly about toy standards and the enforcemen­t of them, and it’s a great concern that there’s a lot of people who don’t care about them,” he says.

“There are some really good standards, but in New Zealand they are enforced voluntaril­y which means that, for instance, every time we get product we make sure we’ve got all of our test certificat­es and that we keep them on file.” But nobody checks testing certificat­es “until something goes wrong”, he says.

“I think the Commerce Commission more often than not are looking in the wrong places. They’re very hard on reputable retailers, whether it be Farmers or The Warehouse or Kmart, and us — which is all good . . . but they’re not pushing the other people who don’t care and are never checked, such as cowboys on Trade Me.”

The vast majority of large New Zealand retailers subscribe to an ethical toy standards programme, such as that of the Internatio­nal Council of Toy Industries (ICTI), and some have their own internal standards.

The Warehouse Group says it has a framework and systems in place to ensure the toys it sells go through the correct quality assurance and control processes.

“Before any new toy product arrives on our shelves, we require an independen­t third-party-accredited laboratory report that tests the toy against the relevant standard,” says Jenny Epke, general manager of merchandis­e at the Warehouse.

Department store Farmers also has an in-house quality ensurance team and online retailer Mighty Ape has department managers who specialise in compliance standards around baby toys.

Mighty Ape says it only works with reputable local distributo­rs and does not import baby toys from other markets.

Rawlings say it is the responsibi­lity of retailers, manufactur­ers, suppliers and distributo­rs to ensure the toys they deal with are up to mandatory standards.

“There are a large number of compliant toys on the market but there’s also a concerning number of retailers who are unaware of their toy safety obligation­s,” she says.

“We primarily identify the toys by visiting retailers but often go back to the importer or distributo­rs to speak to them about product safety compliance.” Generally, safetytest­ing checks on a product can take up to 10 days.

“The level of compliance and compliance programmes in place in theory is great with retailers. But we find some just have no understand­ing of their legal obligation­s, whatsoever, and that was commented on in recent cases we’ve brought where the court has commented on the lack of compliance programmes.”

Larger retailers are generally good at ensuring such standards with products they sell but the variation in knowledge on the topic is a concern, Rawlings says.

University of Auckland commercial law lecturer Dawn Duncan says children’s toy standards are not easy to understand, and expensive to follow.

“There’s a lot of standards produced by Standards New Zealand and some of them are called sponsored standards which means the Government pays for that informatio­n to be made freely available to people in the market, but the toy standards aren’t.

“Each standard tends to cost [about] $200 each so for somebody running a toy shop or importing they might need more than a dozen, they change often, and they are subject to copyright so you can’t distribute them, so I think there are questions around how easy is it for people to access that informatio­n and comply with it.”

Duncan says she is unsure whether the current model of regulatory settings are best-suited for the market.

“Do we have the right regulatory settings for the market as it exists now? Is the regulator doing enough on the front end to help people know what it is to be compliant? Is there enough free, easy-accessible informatio­n for people in the business?”

Counterfei­t toys positioned as the real deal is also a problem in the toy industry, Kirk-Smith says.

He believes Customs should regulate imports coming into the country.

“I think Customs should be checking licences, they should be checking testing certificat­es, even on a random basis, but they don’t do any of that,” he says.

In a statement to the Herald Customs said it did not conduct random inspection­s on toys at the border as enforcing safety standards is the responsibi­lity of the Commerce Commission.

Kirk-Smith says he believes auction site Trade Me should better ensure the toy safety standards of the products listed on its website.

“[The listings] tend to be [from] these one-off cowboy importers, and it seems to be a particular group of people doing it, and that’s where the problem comes in . . . and they are selling some pretty big volumes.”

Trade Me told the Herald all of its members had to comply with New Zealand law and could only sell items that can legally be sold.

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