Hawke's Bay Today

Tell us what you think!

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■ With all these armed robberies, where is the 24-hour police station that we were assured we would get back in the election promises?

■ Fair enough, Craig Alexander, but Scott Dixon was made a MNZM in 2009, as was Bruce Anstey in 2015.

■ Re “Confidence in drinking water lifting”, surely you have got to be joking? Have you tried to have a cup of tea or coffee with that chemical in it? It has an absolutely horrible taste, not to mention what it's doing to your insides. V Morrison

■ What a spineless country New Zealand is. You can easily get on Benzedrine and smoke dope, stay in a Housing New Zealand home while taking these illegal drugs and it’s okay. No punishment. I might as well quit my job because if you can’t beat them, go ahead and join them. Jacinda Ardern is all for the families, we are told? Yeah, right.

■ The Nats’ problems continue. Simon Bridges has been a limp leader for them, as totally out of his depth as many suspected, and after his dreadful Budget speech has to be under extreme pressure. Crusher Collins is said to be cracking her knuckles in the wings and Bridges already looks yesterday’s man.

■ I have no faith in the Hastings District Council. They do not listen to ratepayers. Take a look at the ridiculous new bus stops in Dundee Drive. No replies from council staff.

■ It is a pity the protesters and rednecks can't work together in harmony. Wouldn't it be nice to have Maori wards in the near future . . . that would have alleviated the enormous problems we now face with our sacred maunga . . . Te Mata.

■ Thank you for texting in your views. Please note that owing to the anonymous nature of texts we will not publish unfair personal attacks in this column. — Ed

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