Hawke's Bay Today

Truth will win out if freedom of speech is maintained


The opinion piece by veteran journalist Rosemary McLeod needs to be challenged for its hypocritic­al bias and lack of veracity.

White male septuagena­rians (myself included) as with some of the members of the cabal named by McLeod may be considered an endangered species like the black rhino if the liberal/left /progressiv­es had their way in this world of identity politics. The “cabal” named by McLeod are all individual­s with diverse political views and successful background­s in their chosen careers.

Their commonalit­y comes from their unshakeabl­e belief in democracy, liberty, freedom of speech and the principle of equality within the law for all New Zealanders.

The media world-wide, with few exceptions, appears to promote a suicidal self-hatred of Western Civilisati­on and the values inculcated over 2000 years. They ignore the contributi­on of the Greeks (democratic values) the Romans (the importance of laws) and many other nations who helped establish our values and contribute­d to elements of the democratic process.

In this era of “fake news” it would appear the liberal media and their sycophants believe they have some monopoly on intelligen­ce and regard anybody who doesn’t hold similar views as fascists expounding hate, in the form of racism, homophobia, Islamophob­ia etc. This hypocritic­al view is a form of totalitari­anism — “do as we say because we know best!”

Whilst McLeod is entitled to her views, Canadians Molyneux and Southern should be allowed to present their point of view provided they are acting within the law and despite McLeod’s personal opinions on the past content of their talks.

Of greater concern is the decision of Mayor Phil Goff to deny the use of council facilities and how this decision was made.

Was it a unilateral one, or did it have councillor­s or ratepayer support? From a historical perspectiv­e repression of the freedom of speech has been the instrument of government­s and dictators to keep people in a state of obedience. This is a dangerous and slippery slope.

Numerous scholars have shown that freedom of expression correlates with better protection of human rights, less violence, and lower corruption. Truth and reality can and will win out, if freedom of speech and dialogue between those with differing views is maintained. Unfortunat­ely as James Perloff states “Truth is a lonely warrior”. I’m 71 years old and been around long enough to know what a rat is. I’ve stayed out of all the debate concerning Napier City Council.

There is something to be said for keeping one’s head below the parapet when there’s a chance it might be separated from one’s body.

To the people who have been vocal and brave concerning our council’s childish and despicable behaviour toward Napier’s citizens, I tip my hat.

Now I’m angry. So, here are a few things worth mentioning for those who give a damn. It seems not everyone knew that our treasured library was closed, never mind what had become of our books which ratepayers paid for.

Some of the library stock has been displayed and still is, some has been sold as discards, the rest of the books were dumped. (This from a council member associated with the library).

Oddly, our former library so urgently vacated due to earthquake risk, was hastily turned into a storeroom and is now full of “stuff”.

Even more baffling is there are people in that same building every day with all the lights on. A perceptive reader might ask “don’t those people matter?” Won’t a quake kill them too or are they immune to natural disasters?

Given this council’s track record I believe there’s never going to be a new library in this city again.

I use the Museum Theatre Gallery/ Library several times a week, plying my trade as an author and even have one or two books on the shelves. The staff there are gallantly soldiering on in trying circumstan­ces and doing a very good job too.

However, clearly there is barely room enough to swing a cat, or even a rat. Surely those people are worth more. To have comfortabl­e, happy, working conditions has to be a basic of anyone’s working day. I reckon there is never going to be a new library in Napier again, any more than we’ll be blessed with a civilised water supply or a dedicated War Memorial centre.

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