Hawke's Bay Today


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● If I were you, Taradale, I would make sure your fires are compliant. Else I'll nark you out to our Dear Leaders at the regional council, given their policy reminiscen­t of Nazi Germany, where neighbours would out Jewish sympathise­rs. SS

● The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council needs to get real and stop protecting its own. The dirty smoke haze is primarily orchard/ agricultur­al burnoff.

● Well said, Graham, re fire rules. Too true. We have all seen this. KB

● I would no more dob my neighbour in for a smoky fire than try to fly to the moon. New Zealand is not a socialist or communist country. Do the job you are paid for, council.

● Good comment, Roger Moroney. The travel-to-time factor will be almost negligible, so keep this old saying in mind, drivers: It’s better to arrive a little late than be dead on time.

● Re the “notorious” road causing the recent fatal accident. Rubbish to that suggestion. It is the person behind the wheel of the car that had to take responsibi­lity for so many crashes. It is speed, poor driving skill and inattentio­n that is responsibl­e. MB

● It was a waste of time changing the speed limit to 50km/h on Kirkwood Rd. Motorists are still speeding through the area.

● Big thumbs-up to our local MPs, Stuart Nash and Lawrence Yule. Political opponents who worked together and achieved a commonsens­e result for what appears a worthy cause. To Tanvi Bhavsar, welcome to New Zealand.

● I concur with the various observatio­ns that Bridges has made virtually zero impact as National’s new leader. He needs to get a bit of a move on or is he oblivious to the fact the party hounds are sure to be snapping at his heels, fangs bared? Some ambitious, overlooked people will pounce if he doesn’t start making a better impression.

● We should be supporting the small farmers who sell at farmers’ markets, not the corporate giants that have an adverse impact on our health and the environmen­t.

● I can’t understand how people at the Flaxmere marae and surroundin­g properties could not see the rubbish pile. The male local councillor must have seen it often when going, leaving and attending the marae, surely? Why was it not dealt with at the start, regardless of whose land it was on? JM

● Thank you for texting in your views. Please note that owing to the anonymous nature of texts we will not publish unfair personal attacks in this column. — Ed

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