Hawke's Bay Today

The crutch that will heal our brokeness

- Lynda Ellington

The old saying, “Now, don’t quote me on this,” is a sure sign that what we may be about to hear, or share, is not confirmed as factual informatio­n.

Companies often sign a quote, as an estimate of what the final cost of their product or service, is expected to be. In the dictionary, the word ‘estimate’ is described as: ‘written statement indicating the likely price that will be charged for specific work or repairs’. If we were to get quotes for all the damaged pieces of our lives; past, present and even what is yet to come, where on earth would we start?

How do we estimate the cost of fixing a broken heart hundreds of times, from childhood to present day? How do we estimate the cost of rebuilding our self-esteem after it has been crushed over and over again? What would be the estimate for broken promises? Which hospital ward would we go to? How do we estimate the insurance premium for an emotional breakdown when we have faced one stumbling block too many? How about the cost of a crushed spirit when what you thought would be, will never be?

That is a lot of brokenness. Often we feel we have no choice but to carry all this brokenness every single day. No wonder we are exhausted.

I love these verses from The Bible (The Passion Translatio­n), 1 Peter 5:7, Pour out all your worries and stress upon him and leave them there, for he always tenderly cares for you.

1 Peter 5:10, And then, after your brief suffering, the God of all loving grace, who has called you to share in his eternal glory in Christ, will personally and powerfully restore you and make you stronger than ever. Yes, he will set you firmly in place and build you up.

As believers we are often told in an accusing tone that God is our crutch. Never a truer word has been spoken. I, for one, need Him every single hour. I lean on Him. I rely on Him. I love and trust in Him. Crutch? Absolutely.

C — Christ

R — Reaches

U — Us

T — To

C — Cease

H — Hurts.

Bless you as we have left behind the chill of winter and are in the bloom of spring. Now for a reassuring word from The Bible.

Proverbs Chapter 3: Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you in every decision you make. Become intimate with him in whatever you do, and he will lead you wherever you go. Don’t think for a moment that you know it all, for wisdom comes when you adore him with undivided devotion and avoid everything that’s wrong. Then you will find the healing refreshmen­t your body and spirit long for.

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