Hawke's Bay Today

Call for action on invasive weed


A former regional councillor says council needs to “lift the game” in response to the spread of a noxious grass around the region.

Chilean needle grass is an invasive species, with sharp, needle-like seeds which can bury themselves in the skin and muscles of livestock.

Former councillor Ewan McGregor said the response to the grass had been lacking for years and he feared for the sheep industry if the problem becomes rampant.

“I believe that the regional council should have a dedicated Chilean needle grass (CNG) project focused solely on CNG, within its overall pest strategy. The time has come to lift the game substantia­lly.”

He said HBRC should send high quality, life-sized images of the grass to landowners across the region, requesting they be placed in a common place on the farm, so that everyone involved in the farming operation can be vigilant.

This would mean control measures could be carried out as early as possible.

He said he had heard the grass had spread into the Tukituki flood plain, which was concerning as waterways were an easy way for weeds to spread.

Flood waters could pick up the seeds, spreading the grass throughout the region.

Regional council chairman Rex Graham said he had learned of the possible infestatio­n when McGregor contacted him on Thursday night.

He said the regional council was looking into it, but he hoped the grass had not made it to the flood plain, as it would be devastatin­g to the region.

Council biosecurit­y team leader for plant test, Darin Underhill, said they were aware of needle grass on several farms on the Waipawa River. — Laura Wiltshire

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Chilean needle grass

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