Hawke's Bay Today

Police need your help in homicide inquiry

Police say they will need a lot of public help in the investigat­ion into the death of Hastings man Edward (Eddie) Peters eight days after he was found bashed about the face and head in Flaxmere.

- Doug Laing

Police say they will need a lot of public help in the investigat­ion into the death of Hastings man Edward (Eddie) Peters eight days after he was found bashed about the face and head in Flaxmere.

The 45-year-old died in Wellington Hospital on Saturday, and a post mortem examinatio­n was taking place yesterday. It was expected to confirm he died from the injuries received on the night of November 15-16.

Detective Senior Sergeant Craig Vining, of Hawke’s Bay CIB, said residents at an address in Diaz Dr, near the intersecti­on with Palgrave Ave, heard the sounds of people running and other noises about 12.15am.

A few minutes later they discovered the man in a pool of blood a few metres from their door, on the grass beside their driveway.

Understood to have lived most of his life in Hawke’s Bay, but not from the immediate area where he was found, the man had attended a tangi on the Thursday and in the evening was drinking with friends at an address further west in Diaz Dr, towards Portsmouth Rd.

He left the address and is thought to have been chased and beaten.

Back in the street yesterday as staff continued inquiries, Vining said “for the sake of reassuring the community” police did not believe it was a “random” attack.

Police have nothing to suggest it might be linked to street-gang activity which led to the death of street- dweller Kelly Donner in Flaxmere on March 4. A jury on Friday found a 14-year-old guilty of murder.

Vining said police believe there would have been people who had not yet spoken with police but who were in Diaz Dr on the night of November 15 and who would have seen activity that could be linked to the assault, which is not believed to have involved weapons.

“We think he has been physically beaten,” Vining said.

It was a warm night, over 20C until well into the evening. Diaz Dr can be a busy street, the westernmos­t thoroughfa­re across Flaxmere, between Flaxmere Ave and Portsmouth Rd.

“What we do know is that he was drinking at an address in the street earlier in the night, and at some point he’s left that address and what happened did happen close to the time he left,” Vining said.

“There was a fair bit of activity in the street that night, and we are wanting to speak with anyone who has seen or heard anything — probably in the window between about 11.15pm and 12.15am.

“We have had a reasonable response,” he said. “But we think there are more people who were in the neighbourh­ood, in terms of what has been seen or heard.”

The man had been rushed to Hawke’s Bay Hospital and later transferre­d to Wellington Hospital, where he underwent surgery on November 21-22, but he died in the presence of family who were yesterday making arrangemen­ts to bring their man home and stage his tangi during the week.

The residents who found the man were still too distraught yesterday to comment publicly.

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