Hawke's Bay Today

Tell us what you think. Send a text to 021 241 4568, write HBT then your message. Max of 150 characters per text.


● Thank goodness for an easterly rain maker in November. Will be the blessing many of us had been praying for. jh ● Teachers need to accept the latest pay offer. They chose what they do, they are not the only ones under pressure with their work. Get on with it.

● Where is our country heading? We don’t want teachers having 9 weeks intensive training running clases.

● I spent over 4 years concerned about my kid’s maths and getting brushed off. After one year of repeated brushoffs, report put maths as an issue. Was furious.

● The teachers edict “It’s not about the money “would make a great Tui ad!!!

● Just received the new Yellow Pages phone directory in the post. If you want the residentia­l phone directory you have to phone or go online. It is not available until Jan

4. How STUPID is that? R.B.

● NCC cannot! Spend our money on our decrepit infrastruc­ture and not on a $60 million aquarium expansion. Why would tourists come here if they cannot drink the local water.

● What is this stupid rubbish, a female representi­ng “Father Christmas”. Can’t imagine a female with a “white beard”.As Simon Bridges stated “it’s PC madness”. Also when I was a child the jolly fat man in the red suit was known as Father Christmas not Santa Claus. The parades were known as Christmas parades not Santa parades. Christmas is supposedly the celebratio­n of Christ’s birth.

● Why are the town clocks either not going or the wrong time. The Dome Georges Drive and Taradale for example.

● Texter re cellphone use . . . it’s simple, there just aren’t enough police to stop cellphone use. Haven’t you noticed the anarchy on the roads.

● Some people just don’t get it, no matter how cute and cuddly you think your dog is, if it is not on a lead or leash (not under control), there always the potential for it to harm another dog or human

● Santa Claus. Like Simon Bridges mentioned, Mary Poppins HAS to be “female”. Santa — male. NZ getting a bit overboard on the PC scene. SM ● Amazingly uplifting concert at St Matthew’s on Sunday afternoon. Well done Basil Brooker and The Linden Singers. Wonderful musical support from the Cathedral Strings, Elizabeth Curtis, Natalie Stent, Anthony and Kerry Tattersall . . . amazing talent these folk share with us. JK Thank you for texting your views. Please note that owing to the anonymous nature of texts we will not publish unfair personal attacks in this column. — Ed

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