Hawke's Bay Today

Tell us what you think. Send a text to 021 241 4568, write HBT then your message. Max of 150 characters per text.

- Thank you for texting in your views. Please note that owing to the anonymous nature of texts we will not publish unfair personal attacks in this column. — Ed

● Come on Labour and your cohorts get these strikes sorted out. It is causing considerab­le disruption and soon the cost to the country will exceed the costs of settling the strikes.

● Do you want to protect your children and your future grandchild­ren from extinction? Then fly less, drive less, eat less meat and eat less dairy products. To reduce our greenhouse emissions, we have just 6 years to change our comfortabl­e lifestyles (before it’s too late) to stop global warming. ER

● Have just received my rates account in mail I am wondering if it would be fair to deduct the amount it is costing me for cleaning products and water filters that I am buying to keep my house clean and be able to have drinking water. Come on Napier council, at least give us a place where we can fill up our containers with clean drinking water.

● Dental care and gastric banding will of course be paid for out of our taxes when prison guards damaged by slushies instead of drinking water!?

● Oh dear how sad for poor armed robber who has to spend his birthday behind bars! Never mind, perhaps the staff will give him a slushy.

● Linda Hall, why are you criticisin­g Simon Bridges about all the Govt failures; poverty, housing, stolen guns . . . you need to hold Jacinda to account for that. She’s in charge, not Simon.

● The centre wires being placed in the middle of the Hawke’s Bay expressway­s are quite frankly utterly annoying. When slow tractors or vehicles are pulled to the left there is no room to safely pass and it holds up the whole stream of traffic. If these are a safety system, I have seen a car with its back wheel lodged on the wire by the airport. Waste of ratepayers’ money? I think yes.

● Congratula­tions to the Hastings Health Centre on their magnificen­t new build. We received a very warm reception from the moment we stepped inside. Well done!

● To the lady with lime scale in her mop. Tthere’s no way chlorine is to blame for that. People need to stop blaming chlorinati­on for everything that goes wrong in their world, it’s not the huge issue you’re all making out.

● Wyn Drabble’s column about the rough ends of a loaf of bread, my Nana always called it the “waistcoat”.

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