Hawke's Bay Today

Guildford assaults female

Guildford named as sportsman who hit woman in the face

- Belinda Feek

Former All Black Zac Guildford has lost a months-long appeal to keep his name secret after punching a woman in the face so hard she still has breathing issues.

Former Hawke’s Bay Magpie and Napier Boys’ High student Guildford was lambasted by Judge Robert Spear in the Hamilton District Court in January after being sentenced on a charge of male assaults female following the drunken incident on December 20, 2019.

The 11-game All Blacks veteran had been pushing for suppressio­n so it wouldn’t affect a possible rugby contract in Western Australia — where rugby bosses were unaware of his latest incident.

He appealed to the High Court in February, but in a decision released last month Justice Paul Davison dismissed both appeals and gave him a 20 working day extension on suppressio­n.

At his sentencing, he was given 2 years’ intensive supervisio­n which would be reviewed after 12 months.

The sentence also carries judicial monitoring which is where the sentencing judge is given reports of his progress every three months.

Chequered history

Guildford is no stranger to controvers­y and has been open about his struggles with drugs, alcohol and depression since his All Blacks debut in 2009.

In 2011, he hit the headlines after a drunken, naked attack on two holidaymak­ers in Rarotonga.

Dripping wet and bleeding from a gash to his forehead and wounds on his chest and knees, the then 22-yearold first punched one man in the bar who asked him if he needed help, then hit an Australian across the back of the head.

He has since appeared on a driving charge — speeding — and in 2019 was convicted of driving while suspended.

‘A savage blow’

His latest incident stems from a night out drinking in a Taradale bar with friends just before Christmas in 2019.

Dubbed “grossly intoxicate­d” by Judge Spear, the sportsman was offered a ride home by associates and jumped in the back seat of the car.

A woman in the front passenger seat turned to say something when, without any warning, he punched her in the face, which Judge Spear said was “a savage blow delivered to an unsuspecti­ng woman” that left her bloodied and bruised.

The victim was due to fly to Mexico the following day with family but had to cancel her trip.

Thirteen months on, she still suffered from ongoing issues breathing through her nose, the judge said.

When questioned by police at the time, Guildford said he hadn’t realised he had punched a woman.

“What that tells me,” Judge Spear said at sentencing, “is that you were so grossly intoxicate­d that you didn’t even [realise] who was in the car with you and that brings me to what I would consider to be one of the central factors in this case and that is your inability to control your drinking and control your behaviour when you have been drinking.”

Judge Spear noted Guildford has very few previous conviction­s in New Zealand, but noted his drunken overseas antics, notably the Rarotonga incident.

“Your criminal history in this country is virtually non-existent but anyone who follows the sporting news in this country couldn’t have avoided hearing about your escapades overseas and the difficulti­es you have got into through your drinking.”

The judge said it appeared Guildford had become angry at the victim mentioning a relative of his who had been undergoing detoxifica­tion for drug abuse and lashed out.

“This causes me considerab­le concern as to what you might be capable of if your drinking is not brought under control.”

‘Extremely apologetic’

Judge Spear noted that once Guildford had sobered up he was “extremely apologetic and remorseful”.

Guildford and the victim had a successful restorativ­e justice conference in July 2020.

He paid her $3000 reparation and she had supported his name suppressio­n bid.

Guildford has been living with his grandparen­ts in Feathersto­n and working as a mental health worker for Te Hauora Ru¯nanga o Wairarapa.

He has also attended several counsellin­g sessions for his own rehabilita­tion with psychologi­st Sara Chatwin.

Guildford’s lawyer Rob Quin said his client knew he had “somewhat of a troubled past” and was making attempts to better himself.

Although he had a limited criminal history none of it had involved violence against women.

“He’s very embarrasse­d about the incident that occurred and has done his best to make amends for it and doing his best to stay out of trouble.”

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 ?? Photo / NZME ?? Zac Guildford leaves the Hamilton District Court.
Photo / NZME Zac Guildford leaves the Hamilton District Court.

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