Hawke's Bay Today

Approach gangs like Covid 19

A former gang member says new ‘confused’ proposals to combat gangs should be replaced with ‘evidence-based and science-driven’ solutions to the problem, similar to Covid 19.


Some of the lessons learned from New Zealand’s Covid-19 response should be put into practice as the country deals with the drivers and other factors of gangs growth and crime, according to Hawke’s Bay gangs behaviour authority Denis O’Reilly.

Calling for research of a kind not undertaken in more than three decades, his hopes are finding some support, including that of Napier MP and former Minister of Police Stuart Nash, who agrees that sending gang members to prison hasn’t worked. He adds that at more than $100,000 a year for each inmate, it’s costing the taxpayer way too much.

O’Reilly, referred to publicly as a Black Power life member but who also carries such credits as being a graduate in social policy, a scholar at Oxford, a former manager for the Department of Internal Affairs, and an employment schemes consultant, agrees with Nash that it doesn’t mean stopping policing gangs.

Napier Mayor Kirsten Wise says gang crime requires enforcemen­t to address illegal behaviour and investment in programmes to improve social outcomes.

The politician­s were responding to comments in a statement to Hawke’s Bay Today following Minister of Justice Kris Faafoi’s references to assetstrip­ping as a means of tackling gangs — including assets said to be being used to lure new members.

Gang members could have to prove they can legally afford assets in proposals being considered alongside measures such as the Firearms Prohibitio­n Orders being introduced for people convicted of serious firearms or violent offences, organised crime or terrorism, despite such bans being possible within the law.

O’Reilly says “a lot of work” is done “behind the scenes” among gang leadership, including recent agreements in-effect to invoke the Otatara Accord, an agreement made at a retreat of Mongrel Mob and Black Power leaders at Waiohiki 10 years ago, in an attempt to avoid conflicts among gang membership­s.

He says the approaches being considered ignore the reality of steps which should be taken, in such issues as housing and employment for those considered “high-risk”.

“Anything that decreases the threat or actuality of gun crime should be supported,” he wrote, adding: “Let the police do their job, but we have to treat this like Covid. Track and trace and find out what is behind this. Every instance should have two inquiries — the criminal inquiry and the social inquiry.

“Gun crime should be treated as a contagion,” he says. “The Government has been exemplary in dealing with Covid. Evidence-based and science-driven. Do the same here.”

He says no comprehens­ive review has been undertaken since the 1987 Ministeria­l Committee of Inquiry into Violence headed by retired judge Sir Clinton Roper.

“In my view, the current gang-directed effort of Government towards the unavoidabl­e reality that we really have a significan­t and complex problem should be directed towards two outcomes,” he says. “Identifyin­g jobs and homes issues.

Engagement with those on the social edge in mobilisati­on of a labour market force for the seasonal industries is required, he says, adding: “We can’t rely forever on the false economy of migrant workers.”

“Engage those on the social edge in building or reconstruc­ting buildings for social housing purposes,” he says. “Get gang members out of motels and emergency housing.”

“It is counter-productive to conflate gun policy, organised crime, and gangs,” he says.

“In New Zealand, ‘gangs’ whakapapa to colonialis­m, abuse in State Care, and the policies of the 4th Labour Government. This is a socioecono­mic issue, not a criminolog­ical feature. Māori aren’t a criminogen­ic factor.”

He says blaming “the 501s” — people deported to New Zealand from Australia — is wrong, because the issues facing New Zealand “predicated that policy”.

He says the first Māori to speak in Parliament, Tareha Te Moananui, said the power of good is stronger than the power of evil.

“He said focus on good and when evil arises let all parties look at it and figure a solution,” O’Reilly says in his plea to Parliament. “Zip it on policy until we draw on existing knowledge and institutio­nal memory.”

“Clearly describe then define the core problem. That’s when we can figure out a sustainabl­e way forward.

An architect of 1980s group work schemes and the 1990s issue of filling jobs in seasonal work, O’Reilly said: “I think we are going to end up with a model like shearing gangs were, where communitie­s and families responded to a family’s needs.

MP Nash said he agrees “we should be talking with the people on the edge”, and tackling the housing and socials contributi­ng to gang growth.

He said using motels to house those without permanent homes is “disastrous” but “the least-worst” situation given the de-homing caused in stripping state houses from the suburbs during the second half of the last National government.

Mayor Wise says she is “very proud” that Napier City Council has recently sponsored two Te Whare Ā-io Whānau Transforma­tion Programmes through Māori Movement, which a number of gang members as well as other community members participat­ed in.

“These programmes gave Māori and non-Māori an opportunit­y to learn self-developmen­t skills and understand­ing through tikanga and whakapapa, utilising cultural concepts that apply universall­y to all people,” she said. “The programme was designed to effect positive change at individual, whānau and community levels.”

Also asked to respond to O’Reilly’s comments, Opposition National Party spokesman on Police, Youth and Correction­s and Pakuranga MP Simeon Brown said: “There are many social issues surroundin­g gangs but a responsibl­e government must enforce the law and ensure the public is safe.”

“The violence and harm caused by gangs and the risk to the public currently is increasing and is unacceptab­le,” he said. “I am pleased to see the Government is waking up the increasing level of harm being caused by gangs.

“But their proposed Firearm Prohibitio­n Orders will be toothless without additional search powers, which will allow the police to effectivel­y enforce them and to get tough on gangs.”

Engage those on the social edge in building or reconstruc­ting buildings for social housing

purposes. Hawke’s Bay gangs behaviour

authority Denis O’Reilly

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 ?? Photo / NZME ?? Gangs expert Denis O’Reilly, a Black Power life member, says gun crime should be treated like a contagion.
Photo / NZME Gangs expert Denis O’Reilly, a Black Power life member, says gun crime should be treated like a contagion.

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