Hawke's Bay Today

Fieldays Online wins global accolade

RURAL EVENTS: A rapid response to Covid-19 restrictio­ns has been lauded


In a world-first, Fieldays Online has been named a Bronze Award winner in the Virtual Expo category at the 11th Global Eventex Awards. The Eventex Awards recognises excellence in the event industry, with categories including technology, suppliers, venues, and destinatio­ns. The awards drew 561 entries from 37 countries.

Fieldays Online was created in only 108 days in 2020 when the physical event was cancelled due to Covid-19 mass-gathering restrictio­ns. Fieldays partnered with Satellite Media, an Auckland-based digital innovation agency, to bring the virtual event to life, and Trade Me supported the effort, connecting exhibitors with e-commerce capabiliti­es.

Held over a two-week timeframe in July 2020, Fieldays Online allowed visitors to scope out Fieldays deals and access live content from the comfort and safety of their homes. Exhibitors used the virtual platform to promote their products and services, sell products, offer deals, and generate content, promotions, and activation­s. An engaging mix of live content was streamed through Fieldays TV, which hosted topical panel discussion­s, primary sector career profiles, cooking demonstrat­ions, and guest speakers.

Fieldays Online attracted 90,455 total digital visitors, with attendees from over 75 different countries, while nearly 300 exhibitors hosted digital sites.

NZ National Fieldays Society chief executive Peter Nation said winning a bronze was a truly impressive feat in what had been a challengin­g year.

“This is huge recognitio­n for us,” he said. “With innovation being one of our key strategic pillars, we took a challengin­g set of circumstan­ces and invented a world-first event of its kind, keeping rural communitie­s connected in a time of adversity.

“Fieldays Online has now become an important part of the Fieldays brand, keeping our reputation for innovation and smart thinking alive globally.”

Eventex co-founder Ovanes Ovanessian said the award was tremendous recognitio­n for Fieldays.

“Every accolade is based entirely on merit and acknowledg­es the company’s fantastic creativity, flexibilit­y, and drive for innovation. So, huge congratula­tions to Fieldays.”

Fieldays 2021 will include Fieldays Online as an extension of the fourday event this June, allowing a wider audience, locally and globally, to be a part of what is expected to be the biggest Fieldays event to date.

“Now we have shifted to a digital landscape,” Nation said. “We are no longer constraine­d by gate opening and closing times and travel restrictio­ns. Visitors can have a seamless 24/7 Fieldays experience, accessing deals when and where it is most convenient for them.”

Through launching the event as a hybrid, he said, Fieldays would reach an even more substantia­l audience, connect rural communitie­s globally, and showcase t our primary sector to the world. ■

 ?? Photo / File ?? After going virtual last year, the national Fieldays at Mystery Creek hopefully will be back in earnest next month.
Photo / File After going virtual last year, the national Fieldays at Mystery Creek hopefully will be back in earnest next month.
 ??  ?? Tickets to the ‘physical’ Fieldays are on sale now at fieldays.co.nz.
Tickets to the ‘physical’ Fieldays are on sale now at fieldays.co.nz.

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