Hawke's Bay Today

Cryptic crossword



1. It is inhuman but about right, to a novice driver (6)

8. How the hour may sound to man in extremes of courage (5)

9. Forms a plan half-constructe­d with Aquarius and Capricorn (7)

11. Put lease in order for these to be shouldered (8)

12. One booked in the OT is a girl in the afternoon (5)

15. First light, and confusion that surrounds the West (4)

16. A segment of orange for a porker (3)

17. Finally, a word that gives an outer part to the writer (4)

19. Baked too long to get polish back, but not dishearten­ed (5)

21. Put the woman ashore and she will let (8)

24. What one whose collection was stolen wants is a check (7)

25. Floor ended off dry to begin with, due to overflow? (5)

26. Communist consumptio­n of fish was staggering (6)


2. Soundly studies needs of oboists but not flautists (5)

3. Birdsong apparent when working the land around top of ridge (8)

4. What lender soundly makes when unaccompan­ied (4)

5. Outrider gets cut so badly (5)

6. Something explosive where colliers are concerned (4)

7. Charges for entry in life, essentiall­y (4)

10. People from Madrid get across with a variety of raids (9)

12. Animals’ feet protect one from bowlers’ assaults (4)

13. Lava spilt round Umbrian capital: be fifty in, worth so much! (8)

14. Closely unite Knight with no entry (4)

18. Be powerless in flight (5)

20. Rainbow-hued shell can turn up, endlessly red (5)

21. A hitch along the road that may take one up or down (4)

22. Secluded retreat where the go-ahead hasn’t been given (4)

23. Long not to conclude a certain number of months (4)

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