Hawke's Bay Today

Anderson wins NZ title

Golden Gloves a huge boost for Dannevirke High School student


CI’m over the moon. Connor Anderson

onnor Anderson has done it again. After winning the North Island title in early June, the Dannevirke High student travelled to Christchur­ch at the weekend where he won the New Zealand Golden Gloves title for his weight group (66kg).

Coach Adam Jones, who owns BAMS Boxing and Fitness, says it’s a big achievemen­t.

It’s also Anderson’s first New Zealand title.

He’s thrilled with his win. “I’m over the moon,” he says. He’s had congratula­tions from several people, especially his mates.

“Yeah, they’re pretty supportive.”

He was a little tired from his weekend away, but was still back at it training on Monday.

Anderson, who began training when he was about 8, has ambitions of becoming a profession­al in the sport.

It’s a huge level of commitment for the youth, who trains four hours a week with his coach, then does extra training at home with running and working out with a bag.

He also needs to watch his diet so he doesn’t go over his required weight.

Anderson says he expects to step up the training as he prepares for his next competitio­n, the National Championsh­ips, to be held in Whanganui in October.

That will involve a week of fighting, but it’s unknown at this stage how many bouts he will have to compete in each day.

“It depends on the numbers and my weight division,” he says.

Golden Gloves was first held in 1985, according to Boxing New Zealand.

It was then restricted to senior and junior champions from the North and South, but was later expanded to include all age group and elite divisions.

 ??  ?? Connor Anderson, pictured with trainer Adam Jones, has won Golden Gloves NZ for his weight group.
Connor Anderson, pictured with trainer Adam Jones, has won Golden Gloves NZ for his weight group.

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