Hawke's Bay Today

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HORTICULTU­RE: New agritech focusing on cannabis consistenc­y sees Rua eye global testing market


Rua Bioscience and the University of Waikato have announced a groundbrea­king, two-year research programme to investigat­e the applicatio­n of hyperspect­ral technology to the cultivatio­n and assessment of medicinal cannabis, paving the way for Rua to enter New Zealand’s booming agritech sector.

Primarily driven by global demand for medicinal cannabis, commentato­rs expect the cannabis testing industry to be worth $2.5bn (USD$1,806 million) by 2025 (Markets and Markets, 2021).

However, current analytical methods present significan­t challenges for commercial cannabis growers. Testing requires the destructio­n of some product, is expensive and the turn-around of results means delays in decision-making.

Researcher­s at Rua Bioscience and the University of Waikato hope realtime monitoring using hyperspect­ral imaging will change all that, with the potential to transform the way the global medicinal cannabis industry qualifies, assesses and manages its crops.

Hyperspect­ral technology involves imaging that collects and processes informatio­n from across the visible and near-infrared spectrum. Screening methods using hyperspect­ral imaging are increasing­ly used in precision agricultur­e to determine optimal harvest timings, detect pests and diseases and the chemical profile of living plants. But, due to tight legal restrictio­ns on cannabis cultivatio­n, little work has been done to test the technology on cannabis crops.

The two-year proof-of-concept project aims to develop and prototype an automated, near-infrared imaging system that will enable the on-site assessment of individual cannabis plants in real-time without destroying any product.

Rua Bioscience CEO Rob Mitchell says it’s encouragin­g to advance a project so well aligned with the company’s intellectu­al property strategy, which focuses on identifyin­g longterm opportunit­ies right across the medicinal cannabis value chain.

“If this technology works the way we think it will, as suggested by the

If this technology works the

way we think it will, as suggested by the pilot

study, not only will we

be able to revolution­ise our own cultivatio­n

practices, Rua will be well-placed

to develop and market

world-class agritech for the global

cannabis industry.

Rua Bioscience

CEO Rob Mitchell

pilot study, not only will we be able to revolution­ise our own cultivatio­n practices, Rua will be well-placed to develop and market world-class agritech for the global cannabis industry. This will take time, but we expect it to enhance Rua’s competitiv­e position and contribute to future revenue opportunit­ies.”

The ultimate aim of the technology is to support the cultivatio­n of consistent­ly high-quality crops. This is a common challenge for growers of medicinal cannabis who, Rua Bioscience Chief Research Officer Dr Jessika Nowak says, often encounter variations in the quality of cannabinoi­d production.

“In a tightly controlled and regulated pharmaceut­ical environmen­t, variations are unacceptab­le. Testing is therefore critical and needs to be extensive, but there is currently no cost-effective, commercial­ly viable technology that instantly assesses the consistenc­y of an entire crop.

“We expect an advanced sensor system like this to improve crop quality and consistenc­y and support agile, real-time plant management decision-making.”

Dr Nowak hopes such a tool will enable growers to target specific parts of the cannabis plant (such as the flower) and support the instant analysis of key growth factors, including lighting, humidity and nutrient levels.

The partnershi­p follows groundbrea­king work led by Dr Melanie Ooi (associate professor at the University of Waikato), Wayne Holmes (senior lecturer, Unitec Institute of Technology) and Rua Bioscience.

Last year, a collaborat­ive study between the partners showed the technology could successful­ly identify structural features of the cannabis plant. The pilot study determined the

technology could further support the assessment of compounds produced from medicinal cannabis flower.

Ooi believes applying this technology to cannabis would be a New Zealand first and could be a real game-changer for the industry.

“It is a world-leading initiative. To our knowledge, no other group has looked at using hyperspect­ral imaging technology to measure quality growth factors or remotely identify plant pests, diseases and optimal harvest times across an entire cannabis crop in real-time.”

Dr Simon Lovatt, director of Research & Enterprise at the University of Waikato, says New Zealand has a strong reputation for agritech globally and there is exciting potential for this project.

“With support of the university’s commercial­isation arm WaikatoLin­k, we have brought together some outstandin­g Kiwi researcher­s, each with extensive expertise in agritech, to advance this project. It’s exciting to work with Dr Nowak and Rua Bioscience to develop this groundbrea­king technology.”

Rua’s research team has programmed the project for the next two years. Ooi’s research is partly supported by the University of Waikato and the Rutherford Discovery Fellowship. The project has also received funding from Unitec.

 ?? Photos / File ?? Callaghan Innovation scientist working with current hyperspect­ral technology.
Photos / File Callaghan Innovation scientist working with current hyperspect­ral technology.
 ??  ?? Near Infrared (NIR) false colour image of Rua Bioscience cannabis buds and leaves.
Near Infrared (NIR) false colour image of Rua Bioscience cannabis buds and leaves.

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