Hawke's Bay Today

Cryptic crossword



1. Make friends again once relic has been sorted out (9)

5. Tiresome piece of work, yet something one may draw on (3)

7. Be ‘Mum’ and come down cats and dogs (4)

8. Not knowing, take no notice of curtailed worker (8)

10. I am the public relations person for each that isn’t ‘nice’ (8)

11. A setback among virus sufferers causing some commotion (4)

13. Two articles at start of mass may be heard in church (6)

15. One under doctor one has abandoned, that’s clear (6)

18. Wherein there’s rubbish at end of road to tie things up (4)

19. Father gets old penny in increase: the perfect situation (8)

22. Ship returns giant bird to animal doctor, true first and last (8)

23. There’s metal for the last character in a hundred (4)

24. It will stand for zilch in the results (3)

25. A shape to get confused after recent abandonmen­t of second half (9)


1. Like the original it will split lip with care, perhaps (7)

2. A group that will half clutch at a politician (5)

3. Warm situations for tennis matches that haven’t been begun (6)

4. Spring god tender when put about (4)

5. What sort of film was ‘Jaws’ (singular) (7)

6. Match attendance­s to the stage, possibly (5)

9. Some witches got together a number on the hot-spot (5)

12. One of the roots, one hears, weighed in gems (5)

14. Plant part to look after, right? Sick, endlessly! (7)

16. Something sweet will react to change, the French conclude (7)

17. A bit of strategy, nicety in handling, when in charge (6)

18. Essayist being brought home by the bread-winner (5)

20. What does baritone say he does soundly that’s sweet? (5)

21. Apprehensi­on a long way off where the East is concerned (4)

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