Hawke's Bay Today





1 Flier (5)

4 Looking worried, sullen, annoyed (8)

9 Sweepstake (6)

14 Complaint (5)

15 On very close, friendly terms; sharing secrets (2,5,2,7)

17 Water-loving animal (5)

18 Religious sister (3)

19 With gaiety (7)

20 Had (9)

21 Wrote (6)

24 New York island (9)

25 Underside (6)

26 Roundabout way (6)

29 Thwarted (10)

31 Cereal plant (3)

32 Revolving (6)

33 White Greek cheese (4)

35 Age (3)

37 Epic tale (4)

39 Abridged (9)

40 Travel plan (9)

41 Boat’s rear (5)

42 Illegally imported (8)

47 Cowboy films, books (8)

51 Water birds (5)

55 Record for TV replay (9)

56 Self-service restaurant (9)

58 Settlement (4)

59 Road-making substance (3)

60 Surprise attack (4)

61 Theatre guides (6)

62 Self-image (3)

63 Unattainab­le ambitions (4,6)

66 French brandy (6)

67 Keen discernmen­t (6)

69 Lack of prejudice (9)

72 Health profession­al (6)

73 Have an effect on (9)

75 Dodging (7)

77 Mimic (3)

80 Australian marsupial (5)

81 Halts completely (5,2,1,4,4)

82 Matching (5)

83 Burlesque (6)

84 Allergic rhinitis (3,5)

85 Perch (5)


2 Police officer (9)

3 Different (5)

5 Tangible (4)

6 Lacking (7)

7 Quirk (12)

8 Donates (5)

9 Deference (7)

10 Total failure (4)

11 Soapsuds (6)

12 Demon (5)

13 Wander without aim (7)

14 Bestowed (7)

16 Drum-shaped (11)

22 Affix (6)

23 Hold (7)

24 Ford car model (7)

25 Multiplies (6)

27 The outdoors (4,3)

28 Laud (6)

30 Affair of honour (4)

32 Completely demolished (5)

34 Void (5)

36 Finest (4)

38 Furnish with weapons (3)

42 Cut off (5)

43 Downfall (7)

44 Expand (4)

45 Please (anag)(6)

46 North Britons (5)

48 Group of northern European countries (11)

49 Very severe or serious (7)

50 Novel (3)

51 Protection system (7)

52 Filter (6)

53 Easily (12)

54 Organ knob (4)

57 Write-up (6)

64 Of great significan­ce (9)

65 Fried batter circle (7)

66 Mobile home (7)

68 Handcuff (7)

70 Milk sugar (7)

71 Musical compositio­n (6)

72 Tough fabric (5)

74 Body tissue fluid (5)

76 Dance club (5)

78 Indian garment (4)

79 Unoccupied (4)

 ?? ??

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