Hawke's Bay Today

These Kate-alike boots are surely a shoo-in for me

Don’t mis Adam Green and Megan Banks on The Hits Hawke’s Bay from 6am to 9am, Monday to Friday

- — Megan Banks

I’ve often modelled myself on Kate Middleton. I haven’t done the fashion parade in a see-through lace dress, but I have, on many occasions, thought of myself as exactly like her.

Exactly like her, apart from almost everything about me that is nothing like her. Same height, same figure if I were half of me; I’m also married to a prince who is thinning on top.

We both produced an heir and a spare. I have a few more spare tyres than Kate, and, given the choice, my weekend casual fashion attire would be a pair of moleskins and a sleeveless oilskin.

So you can see why, when I saw a pair of natural-brown knee-high boots that Kate was pairing with her skinny jeans at the polo, I thought “that’s a bit of me”.

I’ve never been to a game of polo in my life, but I imagined myself looking exactly like her as I stepped glamorousl­y out of my Range Rover.

Here was the problem, though — if I don’t go to polo and I don’t own a corgi to walk or live on a country estate, where could I wear these boots?

My mouse hovered over the checkout on the online shopping website. They had my size, they were coming from an equine website in Ireland, they just had to be bought, right?

Next minute they were in my shopping trolley and two short weeks later they were in my mailbox. I opened the big box, smelt the smell of new boots, and slipped my whopping size 10.5 foot inside.

When I say slipped, it was more of a high-intensity workout to get knee-high boots on these days (with no zip), but eventually, they were on, and they fit! Miracle of miracles. I felt the Duchess herself watching over me, and congratula­ting me on such a ridiculous purchase.

In a bid to justify them, I’ve enrolled both my boys in Saturday morning rugby so I have an excuse to wear these boots.

When my husband saw me prancing around in them, he presumed as I’m sure Prince William did, that I had bought them to inject some excitement into the relationsh­ip.

I’m just happy that finally, I know what it’s like to walk a mile in her shoes.

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