Hawke's Bay Today

Plenty of veges at the garden

- Hanui Lawrence

Life is full of ‘extremes’ — extreme rain or extremely dry, extreme crime, like ram raids, just awful, extreme cost of living with vegetables, meat and groceries and everyday items at a shockingly high price.

Hubby and I are pensioners and it takes extreme planning to make ends meet, especially when there are monthly or yearly bills to account for, so life can be pretty tough for us at our age, as well as young parents and families.

We see people struggling every day. There are plenty of vegetables at Aunty’s Garden though and when we have surplus vegetables, these go to Nourished for Nil.

But one realises that money management can be overcome if one is wise and careful. With Christmas approachin­g there is nothing that I need, so for several years now, we as a family only buy for the under 10-year-olds and one gift for family that we share Christmas with. We are not materialis­tic nor do we bow down to the junk mail advertisem­ents that comes weekly. No! Be strong! Some of the most treasured gifts are homemade or invented. So many ideas that can be cost effective as well as lovely.

At Aunty’s Garden we are extremely busy with planting, weeding and having workshops pertaining to planting of kumara. These workshops are drawing in crowds of people and there is much learning.


8 eggs

2 avocados

2 carrots

2 tomatoes

1 cup of mozzarella cheese Salt and pepper


Boil the eggs then chunkily cut, put into bowl, grate carrots, remove seeds from tomato and finely slice. Put all into a salad bowl and mix with your favourite salad dressing. Garnish with the avocado.

Easy . . . lovely — and gone within minutes.

 ?? ?? Last minute egg salad.
Last minute egg salad.

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