Herald on Sunday




Pop princess Jamie McDell is the new face — and body — of Australian underwear firm Bonds. It’s five years since McDell burst on to the music scene with her album Six Strings and a Sailboat, which took out Best Pop Album at the 2013 NZ Music Awards.

The 24-year-old is about to head to Nashville, Tennessee, to work on her follow-up solo album — but first made her modelling debut.

“I felt really liberated and empowered,” McDell told Spy.

“Like every young girl, I’ve gone through phases of life where I’ve let those insecuriti­es around body image creep in. As I’ve gotten older and gained some perspectiv­e, I’ve really come to love and appreciate my body more for what it can do rather than what it looks like.

“It felt great to be doing something like this knowing my lifestyle is at its most balanced and I’m feeling healthy and strong — but I also enjoy a burger and fries every now and then.”

Since striking musical success, the singer-songwriter has thrown herself behind some hugely successful environmen­tal campaigns and has become an ambassador for Surf Lifesaving NZ.

McDell follows in the footsteps of a slew of Aussie celebritie­s as well as Kiwi actress Frankie Adams asa Bonds girl.

She says she focuses on female empowermen­t in the new campaign.

The You’ll Never Take That Away singer checked out Nashville earlier this year and told Spy she fell in love with the place.

“As a songwriter, you fit in pretty easily even though a lot of locals are confused as to where New Zealand actually is.

“I went to heaps of shows and open mic nights. What I found to be really interestin­g and inspiring was the importance put on telling a good story. You could be an average singer and guitar player, but if you were saying something new that struck people, you were doing something right. I’m not sure I’ve come close to mastering that art yet, but I guess you’ll see.”

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Jamie McDell

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