Herald on Sunday


Fancy going to meet the relatives? Nick Trend selects some of the best wildlife holidays around the world


1 Macaques in Staffordsh­ire, UK

There are plenty of primates in zoos and sanctuarie­s across the UK, but most are kept behind protective glass or wire. An exception is Trentham Monkey Forest near Stoke-on-Trent where adults and children can walk more than a kilometre through leafy woodland inhabited by endangered Barbary macaques, which roam free. Guides are on hand to answer questions and hourly feeding talks take place each day.

Monkey Forest from $17 adult, $13 child for a day visit. Open March to October. monkey-forest.com

2 Howler monkeys in Costa Rica

Famously noisy, as their name suggests, howler monkeys have a warning cry that can be heard for kilometres in the South and Central American rainforest­s. You may also see the more agile capuchin monkeys, with their white faces, plus squirrel monkeys and endangered spider monkeys.

3 Lemurs in Madagascar

Evolved from early primates and found exclusivel­y on the island of Madagascar, lemurs come in about 100 types, from the tiny mouse variety to the largest ruffed species.

4 Tarsiers in the Philippine­s

Primates come in all shapes and sizes but the odd-looking tarsiers of the Philippine­s are among the tiniest. Around 15cm long, these grey creatures are an ancient ancestor of modern-day monkeys, with huge eyes and long feet.

5 Orang-utans in Borneo

These shaggy, reddish primates are the largest tree-climbing mammals but their forest habitats are disappeari­ng fast. Find an itinerary in Borneo that lets you observe them both in the wild and in the northern Sepilok reserve, where previously captive animals are rehabilita­ted. Morning and afternoon feeding times allow a closeup look, while excursions on foot or by boat in Bilit on the Kinabatang­an River give the best chance of spotting them in the wild.

6 Snow monkeys in Japan

A visit to Jigokudani Snow Monkey Park near Nagano will give the chance to observe macaques while they play and soak in the steaming hot springs.

7 Gorillas in Uganda

Convention­al treks may include a brief encounter with wild mountain gorillas, but luxury adventure operator Steppes Travel offers an extended immersion of up to four hours in their company. Staying at Clouds Mountain Gorilla Lodge in Bwindi, guests start the day early with a briefing and an escorted trek through the thick, tropical forest with rangers to locate the gorilla family.

Uganda — Gorilla Habituatio­n Experience, June to Jan dates. Steppes Travel (steppestra­vel.com).

8 Gibbons in Cambodia

Yellow-cheeked crested gibbons are the star attraction of the Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary in eastern Cambodia’s Mondulkiri Province — and this region of lowland, tropical forest is also home to the black-shanked douc with its distinctiv­e bluish-grey face.

9 Chimpanzee­s in Rwanda

Numbering barely 500 in all, Rwandan chimpanzee­s live in the Nyungwe National Park, one of the oldest rainforest­s in Africa, which is also home to colobus monkeys and 11 other species of primate. L’Hoest’s monkeys are endemic to the Albertine Rift. The park has 15 trails and accommodat­ion.

10 Baboons in Ethiopia

With their sharp teeth, long hair and red heart-shaped chest markings, gelada baboons graze the grasslands of Ethiopia’s Simien Mountains. See the interactio­ns of these primates on a tour of the country’s scenic landscapes. Expect sightings of the eastern black-and-white colobus monkeys and vervet monkeys near Lake Awasa.

Make sure any wildlife travel you book is through a reputable operator with a commitment to sustainabl­e travel and ethical animal welfare practices.

 ??  ?? Japanese macaque or snow monkey in hot spring of Jigokudani Park. Photos / 123RF Mother and infant ringtailed lemur, Madagascar.
Japanese macaque or snow monkey in hot spring of Jigokudani Park. Photos / 123RF Mother and infant ringtailed lemur, Madagascar.
 ??  ?? Gelada baboon in the Simien Mountain range, Ethiopia.
Gelada baboon in the Simien Mountain range, Ethiopia.
 ??  ?? Mantled howler monkey in Costa Rica.
Mantled howler monkey in Costa Rica.

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