Herald on Sunday

Sorry to burst your bubble

Sparkling water is as good for you as normal water, right? Unfortunat­ely not.


It is a common belief that sparkling water is just as good as normal water. Unfortunat­ely, this is not so. The Conversati­on reveals that the “feel-good” feeling in your mouth after you take a sip of sparkling water, or any carbonated drink, is in fact the chemical activation of the pain receptors on your tongue.

The problem with acidic drinks is the harm it can cause to our teeth.

Sparkling water is made by injecting pressurise­d carbon dioxide into water.

This produces carbonic acid with a weak acidic pH of between three and four.

When our teeth are lathered in acid from carbonated drinks, often more tooth minerals are dissolved out and into our saliva creating tiny pores in our teeth leading to erosion.

Although sparkling water is a better option than flavoured fizzy drinks, still water is always going to be best for your teeth.

Despite what you can find online, the Centre for Public Health Nutrition Research at the University of Dundee points out that sparkling water is not an appetite suppressan­t.

“There is no strong scientific evidence to suggest drinking sparkling water will make you feel fuller or curb your appetite,” Professor of Paediatric Dentistry, Nicola Innes, says.

The NHS says scientific­ally, it is difficult to measure hunger and fullness so any evidence on carbonated drinks making you full is based on personal feelings and naturally all humans feel different.

Keeping hydrated is essential for body functions so increasing your fluid intake without damaging your teeth is best done by drinking still water.

If it doesn’t satisfy that fizzy mouth sensation, sparkling water will keep you hydrated but be mindful for your dental health.

 ?? Photo / 123RF ?? Sparkling water could be eroding teeth as much as flavoured fizzy drinks.
Photo / 123RF Sparkling water could be eroding teeth as much as flavoured fizzy drinks.

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