Herald on Sunday




1. Someone who pays a fare (9)

6. Sit on this (5) 7. Correct (5)

9. Level or equal (4)

10. A glass container (6) 12. Almost (6)

14. How ice feels (4) 17. Musical instrument­s hit with sticks (5) 18. Fortunate (5)

19. The right-hand side of a ship (9) DOWN

2. Not asleep (5) 3. Painful to touch (4) 4. Opposite of wide (6) 5. One third of twenty-four (5)

6. Washed (7)

8. A week day (7) 11. Nearer (6) 13. Grown-up (5) 15. Happen (5)

16. As well (4)

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