Herald on Sunday

Fire crew fear toll will climb

Many still missing as conditions improve


Smoke from massive wildfires that painted California skies orange was also helping crews corral the deadliest blaze of the year, but despite the progress, there was concern that the death toll could mount as crews reach devastated areas.

Nine people, including a 16-yearold boy, have been confirmed dead since fires started weeks ago by lightning fused into a monster that largely destroyed Berry Creek, a tiny hamlet in the Sierra Nevada foothills northeast of San Francisco.

Crews made progress yesterday in chopping or bulldozing brush-free lines to control the North Complex fire. In addition, gusting winds eased while smoke blocked out the sun and lowered scorching temperatur­es.

Nearly 15,000 firefighte­rs were battling 28 major wildfires across California, although 24 were sparked on Friday and quickly contained.

The North Complex remained the deadliest this year, with nine confirmed deaths.

The search continued for 19 people who remained unaccounte­d for. Firefighte­rs said it was still too dangerous to search in some places.

Butte County Sheriff Kory Honea said the victims included Josiah Williams, 16, of Berry Creek, who apparently died while trying to flee.

“He was alone, terrified and ran for his life,” his mother, Jessica Williams, told CBS13 Sacramento. “My son was a good, smart, caring young boy that died alone and it kills me thinking about what he was going through.”

This year has shattered California records for area burned and recorded the largest fire of all time in the state. Five of the top 10 biggest blazes in state history are still burning and fire season often gets worse in autumn. Some 4000 homes and other buildings have been destroyed.

In Berry Creek, most homes were reduced to ash, twisted metal and blackened appliances.

John Sykes fled his cabin when the winds started howling on Wednesday and the skies became so dark that he had to turn on his lights at midday.

“All I could do is look in the rear view mirror and see orange sky and a mushroom cloud and that told me it was hot and to keep going,” Sykes said. “It was a terrifying feeling.”

California Governor Gavin Newsom toured the fire-ravaged region, pledging to redouble efforts to “decarbonis­e” the economy.

“The debate is over around climate change. Just come to the state of California, observe it with your own eyes,” he said.

Neighbouri­ng Oregon and Washington have also been besieged. Oregon Governor Kate Brown said yesterday “dozens of people” are missing as wildfires burn across the state.

All I could do is look in the rear view mirror and see orange sky and a mushroom cloud and that told me it was hot and to keep going.

John Sykes

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