Herald on Sunday

China makes Covid-19 vaccine promises


China is likely months away from mass producing a vaccine safe for public use. But the country is using the prospect in a charm offensive aimed at repairing damaged ties and bringing friends closer.

Latin American and Caribbean nations will receive loans to buy the vaccine, and Bangladesh will get more than 100,000 free doses.

In the Philippine­s, where China is competing with the United States for influence, President Rodrigo Duterte told lawmakers in July that he had “made a plea” to China’s leader, Xi Jinping, for help with vaccines. He also said he would not confront China over its claims to the South China Sea.

A day later, Wang Wenbin, spokesman for China’s Foreign Ministry, said China was willing to give the Philippine­s priority access to a vaccine.

China’s vaccine pledges, on top of shipments of masks and ventilator­s, help it project itself as a responsibl­e player and could help it push back against accusation­s that the ruling Communist Party should be held accountabl­e for missteps when the coronaviru­s emerged in December.

The Trump administra­tion has attacked Beijing over its handling of the crisis, as well as over accusation­s that Chinese-directed hackers have tried

Should we be suspicious, or should we be grateful? Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat, Indonesian academic

to steal vaccine research.

Four out of the eight late-phase clinical trials are for Chinese vaccines. The country began testing on soldiers and employees of state-owned companies in July, and now includes health care and aviation workers.

The US has three vaccine candidates in late-stage trials. Pfizer says it could apply for emergency approval as early as next month and Moderna says it hopes to have a vaccine by the end of the year. AstraZenec­a, a British-Swedish company that received US government funding, paused its late-stage global trials this week because of a serious suspected adverse reaction.

But some political experts worry about the leverage China could wield over countries that accept vaccines.

“Should we be suspicious, or should we be grateful?” asked Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat, an academic at Universita­s Islam Indonesia, who researches China’s foreign policy. “I think both.”

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