Herald on Sunday


We’re not ready to say goodbye to summer just yet. As long as luscious stonefruit are appearing on supermarke­t shelves, we’ll gladly tuck in and pretend balmy days are here to stay.


Cherries are all but gone, sadly, and apricots are the next to make an exit so nab these if you see them. However, plums should still be loitering for a bit, and peaches and nectarines should be around for a few more weeks. So let’s tuck in.

Plums, peaches and nectarines all belong to the same genus, Prunus. Plums have their own unique tartness, while peaches and nectarines are very similar in many ways with the distinctio­n lying in their skin texture; peaches boast a fuzzy skin, nectarines are smooth and glossy — the variance arising due to a genetic mutation.

Nutritiona­lly, all these fruits pack a punch. With low calorie counts and high water content, they serve as a hydrating and satisfying snack. They are also rich in vitamins A and C and antioxidan­ts. Peaches, nectarines, and plums provide dietary fibre, aiding in digestion and promoting gut health.

Delving deeper into their nutritiona­l profiles, each stonefruit offers its own unique benefits. Nectarines typically contain higher levels of vitamin A and potassium, while peaches tend to be slightly higher in vitamin C.

Plums are renowned for their high content of antioxidan­ts, such as anthocyani­ns, which contribute to their vibrant colours and potential health benefits.

When it comes to culinary applicatio­ns, the versatilit­y of peaches, nectarines and plums knows no bounds. Whether sliced and added to salads, grilled to caramelise­d perfection or baked into a cobbler or crumble, these fruits lend their sweet, juicy flavour to so many dishes. For a refreshing twist, blend them into smoothies or freeze them for homemade popsicles, perfect for savouring the last days of summer.

When choosing fruit, look for those that yield slightly to gentle pressure, indicating ripeness. And avoid those with bruises or blemishes. Give them a sniff; a sweet, fragrant aroma is a good indicator of flavour and ripeness.

As the season draws to a close, get ready to make the most the final harvest. Stock up on plums, nectarines and peaches while they’re at their peak and consider preserving their goodness for the colder months ahead. Here are some ways to prolong the enjoyment of these delectable fruits and make them the star of pudding time.

 ?? ?? Right: Plum chutney. Photo / Babiche Martens
Right: Plum chutney. Photo / Babiche Martens

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