Herbs & Superfoods



Wheatgrass ( Triticum aestivum) is simply baby wheatgrass that‘s harvested when it has peak nutritiona­l value. It‘s packed with chlorophyl­l, vitamins and minerals, and contains all nine essential amino acids. Some research suggests the chlorophyl­l in wheatgrass helps fight off cancer-causing compounds. Other research indicates it can reduce cholestero­l and possibly lessen the effects of plaque build-up in the arteries. It‘s also said to increase haemoglobi­n (red blood cells) and relieve blood sugar disorders such as diabetes.

In any case, wheatgrass is usually juiced, which is almost like receiving an intravenou­s infusion of vitamins, minerals and enzymes because they go straight into your system without needing to be broken down.

Wheatgrass can easily be grown indoors. Sow seeds thickly in seed trays, lightly cover with soil or mix and keep well watered. Harvest at days 10-15 when the shoots are 20cm-25cm high. Discard the root mass. Put the shoots in a food processor or blender and reduce to a liquid mass. Drink 5ml-10ml per day, washed down with 2 glasses of water. Seeds are available from Kings Seeds.

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