Herbs & Superfoods



Growing your own hops? Use them in teas, tinctures or sleep pillows for their soporific properties. When drying homegrown hops, keep in mind the therapeuti­c value may not last long. Commercial­ly, the hops are dried immediatel­y to a water content of about 10 per cent for stability reasons, then kept under constant refrigerat­ion. The bitter principles (which have sedating activity) can break down rapidly during storage and, unless refrigerat­ed, their concentrat­ion decreases by 50 to 70 per cent in six months. That’s why it’s hard for the home gardener to retain the active ingredient­s on drying. Get the most from your hops by making a tincture from your freshly harvested crop. Fill a glass jar with fresh hops, top with a high-proof vodka. Screw the lid on tightly. Place in a dark room. Shake daily for 4-6 weeks, then strain. Pour into a dark bottle.

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