Herbs & Superfoods



Rich in Vitamin C, lemon oil both detoxifies and rejuvenate­s the skin. It also has antiseptic qualities that can help to soothe minor sores and infections.

Lavender has antiseptic qualities too, and is calming on the skin.

You could also replace the lavender buds with rose petals, and swap out the lavender oil for rose geranium oil. Or omit the orange rind and sweet orange essential oil, and use just lavender or rose petals.

Ingredient­s • 2 cups grated castile soap • ½ cup hot water • 6 vitamin E capsules (optional, but it will help to preserve your soap) • 3 tablespoon­s finely grated orange rind • 1 tablespoon dried lavender buds • 20 drops sweet orange essential oil • 10 drops lavender essential oil

Melt the grated soap in the hot water. Cool slightly and add the remaining ingredient­s.

Allow to cool further, then scoop out a small handful of the soap and roll into a ball. As the soap cures, place a couple of drops of sweet orange oil on your hands, rub your hands together, then polish the soap with your hands.

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