Herbs & Superfoods



From staunching bleeding to reducing fevers and relaxing tight muscles and spasms, yarrow ( Achillea millefoliu­m) is a commonly used medicinal herb. It has been used for centuries for its healing effects on wounds, employed on the battlefiel­d to staunch the flow of blood (in Homer‘s Iliad, legendary hero Achilles uses yarrow to treat the wounds of his fallen warriers in the Battle of Troy – hence the name achillea). In the home, grab a handful of yarrow leaves, rub them to release their juice and pack onto minor cuts to stop bleeding. A bruised leaf can also be inserted into a bleeding nostril to stop blood flow. Strong infusions can also been used as a wash or compress for bruises and sprains.

Though not considered a culinary herb, yarrow is valuable for digestive complaints, helping to alleviate colic and indigestio­n, and stimulate bile flow and liver function. It is also known for its ability to reduce fevers, promote perspirati­on and reducing body temperatur­e.

Plant this hardy perennial in a sunny spot in well-drained soil. Establishe­d clumps can be cut back in autumn or spring to keep them in check.

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