Homestyle New Zealand

Save, invest, buy less


Like falling back on fast fashion for your wardrobe, it’s easy to get sucked in by the quick-fix homeware cycle. However, when you step back a bit, you’ll find there’s something really enjoyable about the seemingly oldfashion­ed process of seeking out just the right pieces and saving up to buy them in order to craft an interior that’s pleasingly unique.

A big part of this approach is narrowing in on your forever style, and to do this, it’s useful to contemplat­e your ‘interior personalit­y’. Knowing what you really love to live with will help inform your purchasing decisions so you’re not left paralysed by choice. Ask yourself questions such as: ‘Am

I a layered neutrals person or do I have more fun when embracing pops of colour? Will natural forms make me feel calm in this space, or do I want high-tech pieces that set a modern mood? Am I a minimalist at heart or is more more for me?’ While choosing quality over quantity, you should also aim to answer the query: ‘Am I following a trend, or does this item reflect my own taste?’

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