Horowhenua Chronicle

Labour chooses its election candidate


Local case manager for Work and Income Levin, Terisa Ngobi has been selected as Labour’s O¯ taki Candidate for September’s general election.

“It’s a privilege to have been selected by local Labour members to be our O¯ taki candidate this year. I’m putting myself forward to stand for Parliament to be a strong local voice for the communitie­s of O¯ taki, and help ensure we keep making progress under Jacinda Ardern and Labour.

“With a Labour-led Government, New Zealand is heading in the right direction and local people in O¯ taki are seeing progress.

“Our economy is growing faster than many of our trading partners, unemployme­nt is near the lowest it’s been in a decade and rising wages mean more people are better off.

“That strong economy has seen thousands of new jobs created in our region, which helps families get ahead.

“Our strong economy means we can make vital local investment­s including upgrading our rail system, and a four lane upgrade on SH1 from O¯ taki to Levin.

“From this strong position, we are tackling the long term challenges facing New Zealand. We’re rolling out specialist mental health support at GPs offices, we’re funding new life saving cancer drugs and radiation machines, we’ve cut the cost of doctors visits for hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders, built thousands of new state houses, introduced the Winter Energy Payment, extended Paid Parental Leave to 22 weeks, and put over 2000 new police on the beat.

“Our community is making good progress, but we need a strong voice in Jacinda Ardern’s government to keep things moving and help local people thrive.

“That’s why I’m running for Parliament and why I’ll be asking for people’s support in September,” says Terisa Ngobi.

Terisa is a mother of three who has spent nearly 10 years working in the mental health and disability sectors in both New Zealand and the UK.

 ??  ?? TERISA Ngobi

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