Horowhenua Chronicle

Couple focuses at online harm and children


A Wellington couple is in Levin this week to share their journey about protecting kids from online harm. Rob and Zareed Cope have made a documentar­y outlining their experience­s and how they are protecting their own children from online harm, especially pornograph­y in Our Kids Online; Porn, Predators and How to Keep Them Safe .

They said the aim of the documentar­y is to bring parents round to the fact that their primary school aged children are being harmed by exposure to pornograph­y and child sex predators online. Most parents are in denial, they said.

“Some parents believe the myth, that because their kids are good, and they are good parents . . . their children will be just naturally immune to pornograph­y. And this is not true. Pornograph­y is an equal opportunit­y offender. Children are biological­ly wired to be interested in nudity — they’re wired to learn how to be adults.”

They said this behaviour is supported by New Zealand school statistics, where over 300,000 pornrelate­d searches are blocked each month; figures from Pornhub, the megalith of online porn, show a 3-5pm rise in viewings on Pornhub every weekday.

The couple will be speaking at a

Kahui Ako event, aimed at local schools.

Today at 3.30 they will speak to teachers and at 6pm to parents. Both events will be at te Takeretang­a o Kura-haupo¯. At 1pm tomorrow they will be available to parents in Foxton at te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom.

The documentar­y can be hired and more informatio­n is online at https://vimeo.com/ondemand/ ourkidsonl­ine

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