Horowhenua Chronicle

How to improve your heifer weights

Monitoring programme and expert advice could make all the difference

- Ashleigh Taylor BVT and Steph Gordon BVT Large Animal Vet Technologi­sts Levin and Horowhenua Vets

Have you been disappoint­ed with how your heifers have looked in previous years? Wanting to optimise your heifers’ performanc­e? A good monitoring programme and expert advice could make all the difference.

Under-grown heifers have been scientific­ally proven to have poorer reproducti­ve performanc­e, liveweight at calving and lifetime milk production.

Liveweight is an objective measure of dairy heifer performanc­e. Routine heifer weighing allows for monitoring of weight gain to ensure heifers meet all their targets. Weighing also allows you to be proactive.

If heifers begin to fall below target weights, we can help you get them back on track.

Well grown heifers:

Have improved milk production Heifers reaching target liveweight will produce 8.5kgMS more in their first lactation than if they are 10 per cent below target liveweight. (Dairy NZ, 2020)

Have greater lifetime productivi­ty Heifers reaching target liveweight will have 5 per cent better 6wk incalf rates and 1.5 per cent lower empty rates. This equates to $35 economic benefit per heifer compared to heifers 10 per cent below target liveweight. (Dairy NZ, 2020)

Have reduced replacemen­t costs Using InCalf data for a mob of 50 heifers, the potential gain to move them from 10 per cent under target liveweight to achieving targets is $3875 at a $5/kgMS milk price. (Dairy NZ, 2020)

We are excited to announce our new heifer monitoring programme here at Large Animal Vet Technologi­sts.

By joining up to the programme you get to work with Charlene, our Headlands Consultant Vet, Steph, and the other techs, to help you to achieve your goals for heifer growth.

Heifer Liveweight Targets. Retrieved from Dairy NZ: https://www.dairynz. co.nz/animal/heifers/liveweight­targets/

 ??  ?? Wanting to optimise your heifers’ performanc­e?
Wanting to optimise your heifers’ performanc­e?

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