Horowhenua Chronicle

The Busy Summer Season

- Bryce Robb is Director/Head Arborist of Beaver Tree Service

Happy New Year! We hope you have had an enjoyable Christmas and New Year.

Summer is here, the best time to get out and about in our beautiful country, enjoy barbeques with friends and tackle those summertime projects around the house and garden.

For us arborists we are right in the middle of our busy season! People are spending a lot of time in their gardens, noticing that their trees need some attention and calling in the experts for advice.

As arborists we are trained to have a good eye for the shape of trees and how they fit into your garden space. Most of the time all a tree may need is careful pruning to keep them in balance and in line with the space in which they are growing.

Quite often trees are planted too close to each other meaning that, as they grow larger, they will be in competitio­n for sunlight and other food sources. This is just one area where we can advise you, so that you can get the best result for your trees and your garden.

Summer pruning also reduces tree size and vigour, as when you remove branches with leaves you shut down energy production. This decreases new growth and the energy available to be stored in the roots. In turn, this reduces the available energy for growth in the following season.

Summer can also be a good time to prune out deadwood, as it’s easy to see what needs to removed.

Arborists specialise in the of individual trees. They are knowledgea­ble about the needs of trees and are trained and equipped to provide proper care and advice.

Beaver Tree Service offers specialise­d tree work, carried out by qualified profession­als with the experience and expertise to ensure your tree needs are taken care of to the highest standard.

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