Horowhenua Chronicle

Why not take up dancing


- Kem Ormond

Ihave a friend who retired late in life, always had been active and by that I mean she tramped,climbed Ruapehu,was always cycling or walking, in fact she put her younger friends to shame! (namely me).

A few months back she took a tumble in her wardrobe and without going into detail,she knew she was doing something she shouldn’t and you guessed it...one sore leg later, she was extremely cross with herself.

This saw a reduction in her tramping, and cycling and more time was spent at the Drs having xrays and at the Physio having treatment.

Then she saw a newspaper article, advertisin­g an upcoming event.It read, come along and have a dance in the Assembly hall, and she thought why not?

And there starts the story of my friend taking up dancing classes.

She was asked to dance and then asked if she wanted to join dance classes and the rest is history.

She was no dancer to start off with, but now has mastered the steps for the waltz, foxtrot, chacha, and rock -n-roll and that was all only after five lessons!

She did reveal it was not easy, but felt extremely proud that she had not only mastered the steps but also remembered which foot to use.

Since finding out about her foray into the dancing world, I have come across two others who have taken up dancing also.

You get exercise, company ,a laugh and most probably a cuppa at the end of the session.

It just goes to show that when you have retired, you have time to try something new and you may find you even enjoy it.

I am not retired and when I do

I could take up dancing lessons, but I have a piano collecting dust so maybe piano lessons may be a better choice. Plus I can do that sitting down!

But, I must admit to liking those wonderful sequined dresses that flow as you dance, I wonder if I would look strange in one playing the piano. . . well, wont know till

I try it!

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