Horowhenua Chronicle

Foxton goes Dutch

Foxton celebrates Dutch heritage with vibrant festival

- Bruce Falloon

Locals came out in droves for Foxton’s annual Big Dutch Day Out, taking the opportunit­y to climb to the top of the windmill, sample Dutch food (salty herring and broodjes kroket the Kiwiway - using a slice of bread rather than a roll), play Dutch games, enjoy music and peruse the museum and the new art exhibition full of works by Kiwi artists exploring their Dutch heritage. The model of Abel Tasman’s flagship De Heemskerck was unveiled too.

The weather turned on a sunny vibrant day for the Foxton on Saturday. The crowd enjoyed a festival occasion.

Guests for the day included Dutch Ambassador Ard van der Vorst, MPs Tim Costley and Ingrid Leary, Mayor Bernie Wanden and Sharon Wanden.

In his speech, Wanden said: “It’s good to be here to continue this wonderful relationsh­ip with local iwi, the Dutch and local community on this fabulous day”.

“I would like to thank Judy Sanson for her time that her team has put into this event considerin­g that they are volunteers.

“The De Molen as we know it has become iconic, and we support the amazing people that keep this project up and running.

“It’s wonderful to come and have a celebratio­n where we are not talking about rates and costs,” Wanden said.

Van der Vorst said: “It’s good to be here knowing that this is the only operationa­l windmill in the Southern Hemisphere. This event highlights the strong New Zealand support for Dutch Week.”

Film festivals and carnivals are held nationwide to celebrate everything Dutch, which proves the Netherland­s and New Zealand are incredible partners.

“This week provides us with a good way of connecting to our friends all over the Pacific. Just recently we recently organised our first ever Dutch King’s day party in Suva, which had an amazing turnout.

“All these connection­s cross the distances between us, because Dutch week is the start of an opportunit­y for us to also celebrate Dutch culture,” Van der Vorst said.

 ?? ?? Dutch Ambassador Ard van der Vorst discussing Abel Tasman's journey around New Zealand with Eric Hill, who built the model of Tasman's ship De Heemskerck.
Dutch Ambassador Ard van der Vorst discussing Abel Tasman's journey around New Zealand with Eric Hill, who built the model of Tasman's ship De Heemskerck.
 ?? ?? Bernie Wanden, Mayor of Horowhenua, and his wife Sharon, dressed in orange for the Big Dutch Day Out.
Bernie Wanden, Mayor of Horowhenua, and his wife Sharon, dressed in orange for the Big Dutch Day Out.
 ?? ?? Jacob Brookie from MAVTech is ready to photograph people dressed in period costumes.
Jacob Brookie from MAVTech is ready to photograph people dressed in period costumes.
 ?? ?? Christina and Lyal Brenton from Foxton Beach joined the spirit of the day.
Christina and Lyal Brenton from Foxton Beach joined the spirit of the day.
 ?? ?? Jenny Warren was in full Dutch mode, helping provide salty herring and broodjes kroket/ frikandel.
Jenny Warren was in full Dutch mode, helping provide salty herring and broodjes kroket/ frikandel.
 ?? ?? Nana Jo Mason helps one of her grandchild­ren, from Iceland, to master the art of zaklopen/bagwalking.
Nana Jo Mason helps one of her grandchild­ren, from Iceland, to master the art of zaklopen/bagwalking.
 ?? ?? Jim Harper was in charge of the bigger street organ in front of De Molen. This one is automated.
Jim Harper was in charge of the bigger street organ in front of De Molen. This one is automated.
 ?? ?? Arjan van der Boon organised the Big Dutch Day Out as part of his role as co-chair of De Oranjehof.
Arjan van der Boon organised the Big Dutch Day Out as part of his role as co-chair of De Oranjehof.
 ?? ?? One of two street organs providing music at the Big Dutch Day Out. This one has to be operated manually.
One of two street organs providing music at the Big Dutch Day Out. This one has to be operated manually.
 ?? ?? Horowhenua District Council CEO Monique Davidson also found something orange to wear.
Horowhenua District Council CEO Monique Davidson also found something orange to wear.
 ?? ?? Tangata Whenua were officially represente­d by Robin Hapi, Te Kenehi Teira and Heeni Collins.
Tangata Whenua were officially represente­d by Robin Hapi, Te Kenehi Teira and Heeni Collins.
 ?? ?? The Big Dutch Day Out in Foxton: orange everywhere.
The Big Dutch Day Out in Foxton: orange everywhere.
 ?? ?? The Dutch ambassador arrived on a wooden bike.
The Dutch ambassador arrived on a wooden bike.
 ?? ?? Tim Costley tries steltopen/ stilt walking..
Tim Costley tries steltopen/ stilt walking..
 ?? ?? Dutch games: steltlopen/stilt walking.
Dutch games: steltlopen/stilt walking.

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