Kapi-Mana News

Growing green Kiwis


The kids at Mungavin Kindergart­en got their hands dirty last week, all in the aid of halting child poverty.

This year’s Strong Pacific Families Week had its focus on children. Following a parade, concerts and services in the opening weekend, the rest of the week was about establishi­ng gardens at nine early childhood centres in the city. Churches, community organisati­ons, volunteers and Te Rito Organics were involved in the building of garden beds and helping kids muck in.

Pastor Terence Tauira Maka, who was on the committee that oversaw the week’s activities, said seminars and workshops on how to keep people safe, eliminate violence, help making healthy choices and eradicate poverty had not been getting the message across.

‘‘We need to be doing more practical things and the Seeds of Hope project is just that. If you look at the early childhood centres, this is where our children are, this is where we can make a difference. We just want to help them and their families along.’’

Mungavin Kindergart­en’s head teacher Nga Ropu said they have had a focus on food this year in their teaching programme. They have been able to expand the variety of vegetables and fruit they grow.

‘‘It’s been a great experience for the kids because they can see what it takes to grow something from a seed or a little plant. By doing this we’re really linking into our community – parents will learn there are other organisati­ons out there that can help and we get fresh veges for the children here.’’

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