Kapi-Mana News

Tawa-porirua merger rebuffed


Tawa’s potential merger with Porirua was soundly rejected by the crowd at a supercity-focused public meeting on Sunday night.

Tawa Community Centre had standing room only as 130 people packed in to hear Wellington City Council’s strategy manager Brian Hannah speak on how amalgamati­on would affect the suburb of 14,000.

Under both supercity options being proposed by four Wellington councils, the Porirua Harbour catchment area would join a Porirua supercity ward – including Tawa, Grenada North and Glenside North. The change would even out the Wellington councils’ population­s to ensure each ward had equal say, but would be reviewed based on public feedback, Mr Hannah told the crowd.

Rates would be likely to rise no matter which city Tawa joined, Mr Hannah said. But, in a straw poll held at the meeting’s close, only four wanted Tawa to become part of Porirua, with most wishing to remain part of Wellington. ‘‘I like being part of the capital of the country,’’ resident Carolyn Bates said.

When Mr Hannah said she would be part of a new upsized Wellington in any case, she replied: ‘‘It’s still Wellington to me, being associated with the capital.’’ Gwen Russell added: ‘‘Tawa people are special.’’

Many were concerned about not being able to elect a Tawa-based representa­tive, because supercity councillor­s could be elected from anywhere in a ward.

Have your say at www. regionalre­form. org.nz.

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