Kapi-Mana News

Diabetes research school fundraiser


Seven-year-old Mischa Saletele is like any other girl her age. She enjoys school, playing with friends and dressing up in all things pretty and pink.

But the Titahi Bay School pupil is living with type one diabetes, a condition that can make everyday life difficult.

Her mother Delwyn Saletele has organised a fundraiser at the school this Saturday for research into a cure for the disease, which is caused when the body stops producing insulin.

‘‘It would be amazing to find a cure. I see what my daughter has to go through and it would be so great to find something that could help her,’’ Mrs Saletele said.

Mischa needs to have six blood tests a day and insulin injected into her stomach at least twice a day to manage her condition.

Mrs Saletele said her daughter’s attitude towards her condition is amazing.

‘‘Mischa’s incredible. She so bubbly and bright and doesn’t let her condition get her down, no matter how hard things get.’’

Mrs Saletele said she is very grateful to Mischa’s teachers and for the extra support they have given her. The family has collaborat­ed with staff at the school to organise the gala-style event that will help raise money for the Spinal Cord Society of New Zealand’s diabetes research project.

‘‘We’re hoping for a good outcome, but any amount of money we raise would be fantastic.’’ Mrs Saletele said she was blown away by the number of people from the community who had offered to help with the fundraiser.

‘‘It’s been a very humbling experience. There have been so many people willing to take time out their days to help the cause.’’

She encourages people to attend the event, which will feature a raffle, cake stall, sausage sizzle, bouncy castle and face painting.

‘‘It will be a fun day for the kids. I hope everyone comes to support not just Mischa, but everyone with type one diabetes.’’

 ??  ?? Big day planned: Delwyn Saletele and her 7-year-old daughter Mischa, who has type one diabetes.
Big day planned: Delwyn Saletele and her 7-year-old daughter Mischa, who has type one diabetes.

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