Kapi-Mana News

Process skewed



The Wellington Regional Council ‘Have your say’ on local government reform seems loaded to get the result they want.

Having spent 20 minutes taking time to give considered answers and give explanator­y answers where asked, the survey site refuses to accept my submission. This because I will not give answers to three of the more juvenile and disingenuo­us questions.

This is the rejection message I get while trying to engage in the democratic process:

Sorry form was not saved due to these errors.

1. How important is it to you to have effective leadership for the region? is required

5. How important is it to you for services to be delivered as efficientl­y as possible? is required

19. Do you believe the Wairarapa should be included or not included in a regional council for the region? is required.

Can the Kapi-Mana News put the question to the WRC as to why people who do not want amalgamati­on need to answer any questions about the form of amalgamati­on (e.g. Q19) they prefer, before their opposition to this power grab is to be registered?

How many others like me are not having their opposition to the proposals accepted? No wonder the pro super-city advocates are getting the answers they want. global pandemic of violence against both females and males unborn which she fully supports, and much of which she presided over in her Planned Parenthood role.

According to WHO, around 40 to 50 million children are brutally killed before they’re born (though it’s unlikely WHO thinks they were ‘brutally killed’, just aborted or terminated) which equates to around 125,000 per day – around 10,000,000 already so far this year.

And Dr Greer has the gall to shed crocodile tears over violence against women.

It seems perfectly logical that if it’s OK to be violent against females unborn, then it should be OK to be violent against females born, so what’s the problem? Not only is she a hypocrite but illogical to boot.

(Letter abridged)

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