Kapi-Mana News

Demolition option for historic marines hall


There is just a few weeks left for the public to make comment on the future of Titahi Bay’s US Marine Hall.

The 1942 hall has been identified as a heritage building and is the long- time base of Porirua Little Theatre. However, it has been closed by water damage and Porirua City Council alone cannot afford the restoratio­n bill.

The council is exploring alternativ­e funding options, including looking for partners to help with repairing or restoring the building.

Consultati­on began on July 26 and closes on September 5. About 50 responses have been received so far.

Porirua deputy mayor ’Ana Coffey says it is important to hear from residents about what they feel should be done with the building and the reserve site it is on. ‘‘This is not just about a community hall in Titahi Bay. This is an issue for all Porirua residents and we are keen to hear their views on whether we should be investing in it further.’’

The hall was purpose built as a recreation hall for the United States Marines camped temporaril­y at the old Titahi Bay golf course.

Although the marines used the hall for less than a year, it has remained in the hands of the community since.

It has historic significan­ce as one of the few surviving structures from any of the US Marine camps in New Zealand and still has most of its original structure and fabric. The options for its future are: Demolition. Minimum cost of $30,000 – there are likely to be more costs associated with the Resource Management Act consenting process and rehabilita­tion of the reserve site.

Basic repair. Costing about $330,000 and involves just enough repair work to lift the Dangerous and Insanitary notice, and to allow public use. Repairs include weathertig­htness, building compliance and partial internal fit-out.

Comprehens­ive repair/restoratio­n. This will cost $700,000 to $820,000.

Demolish and replace with new building. This will likely cost more than $1 million.

To find out more and to give feedback online, go to pcc.govt.nz, keyword ‘‘US Marine Hall’’.

Hard copies of the discussion paper and freepost survey form are also available at the council’s main building and at city libraries.

 ?? Photo: SARAH WILSON ?? Palace commitment: Amy Adams, left, and Hekia Parata, were in relaxed mode at Trash Palace last week.
Photo: SARAH WILSON Palace commitment: Amy Adams, left, and Hekia Parata, were in relaxed mode at Trash Palace last week.

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